Review by: Ragtime

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So, in real life, when a person dies, do you ever pick that person up with one arm under the armpits, and the other arm underneath his knees and walk with him like that?  I can understand if you are sitting down and mourning, like the classic Pieta (or Death in the Family).  Maybe.  But while standing up? 

I’ve never held any dead bodies that way.  I’m guessing morticians have never held anyone that way.  Somehow, the cover of Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 has entered into everyone’s subconscious to the point where it does not seem weird to be standing up and holding a corpse in that position.

Also, remember how in the 1980s there would be a comic book and it would contain a story?  And then, over time, there would be a series of comic books, and through the run of comic books there would be a “story arc”?  So five years ago.

I’m getting the feeling that Final Crisis is going to be a like like New Krypton, where by the end of the story arc, none of the actual elements of the story are going to be resolved.  There’s just not a lot of room left to tie it all up.

I don’t necessarily have a problem with that — it’s not like FC #7 was the last comic book I was ever going to buy or anything — but it would be nice if they at least tied up some of it.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. "Also, remember how in the 1980s there would be a comic book and it would contain a story?  And then, over time, there would be a series of comic books, and through the run of comic books there would be a "story arc"?"

    I understand this sentiment and share it. I like my comic books to be more than just "stuff happening".

  2. I’m with you there, I don’t know how this book it going to end with only a issue left.  Right now I am trying to figure out how Resist fits into this.

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