Review by: Doski

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Avg Rating: 3.2
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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

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Story: 2 - Average
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Agreed– this is the issue where the Millar/Hitch run completely went off the rails.

    Not only were there, as you say, a number of unregistered heroes who came for the fight– but we were told specifically that SHIELD sent them.  So, SHIELD had their contact information– knew where they were, contacted them, and "sent" them.  Not ARRESTED them, but sent them on a mission. Is this book completely out of continuity, then?  Or, did it occur prior to Civil War?  Or perhaps does it occur at some point in the future, after Secret Invasion, when perhaps the Superhero Registration Act has been repealed?

    I also agree that the art– at least as far as the fight choreography– was disappointing.

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