Review by: NOK

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Avg Rating: 3.5
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Story by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Art by Dexter Soy
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines, Javier Rodriguez, Adi Granov, & Paolo Rivers

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

It’s pretty awesome how mixed the reviews are for this book. I personally found it pretty good. It felt like a pilot episode, a resume or a proposal. KDS wanted to point us in the direction she wants to take, so if it felt like a potpourri it’s because she is laying it all out there. I appreciated the women’s history lesson/shout out about the Mercury 13. I appreciate the use of the sash which I thought was cute but useless and she proved me wrong.

KSD is a bit of a rookie, but so was Frank Miller when he started Daredevil, and the reason I enjoyed that book so much was because I got to see the creator and the character grow together as story tellers. Matt Murdock had a story to tell and Carol Danvers has hers. YEs the covers is kinda corny and the art is a little off, but I think there is just so much potential here.

Salut, then! I commend you on your good tastes in heroes, Kid.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 2 - Average


  1. And about the costume: so you put pants on her, but they are skin tight and the her behind is colored with some serious detail? I like the pilot jumpsuit inspiration but making it skin tight kind of defeats the purpose of covering up.

  2. I really enjoyed this book and am definitely looking forward to what DeConnick does on her run.

    I generally found the art OK – it took some getting used too, though. But at times, I found the depictions of Carol Danvers somewhat at odds with the narrative characterization. In the narrative, she’s a strong, intelligent, self-actualized woman. In some of the depictions of her, as you note above, her buttocks or her breasts are highlighted and emphasized. That bugged me.

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