Review by: akamuu

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Avg Rating: 3.7
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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

I continue to be be enthralled by the way Morrison is handling the characters in his post-RIP world.  But Tan’s art does the book no favors.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Why does it do no favors?

    I’m sorry but that’s another thing that annoys me. Someone saying something like that and gives no explaination why.

  2. @TNC: I’ve reviewed every issue of Batman & Robin, as have many many others.  And, in my review of the last issue, I mentioned what I didn’t like about Tan’s art.  I just didn’t feel like rebeating that rotten horse corpse.  I feel that people pretty much made up their minds during the last issue, and if I felt the status quo had changed for better or worse, I would have extrapolated on it.  But it’s exactly the same.

  3. I actually thought the art in this one was better than in the last. Certainly, it’s no Quietly, but I thought it stood up better than the last issue. Except for Robin – he still looks awfully weird.

  4. @jabroniunc: It’s the Robin that gets me, you’re right.  Quitely did such a good job at showing how young he was.  Tan sometimes gets that, and sometimes doesn’t.  It’s the inconsistency that catches me.

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