Review by: miyamotofreak

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Avg Rating: 4.6
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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

Batman & Robin #1 was the introduction. We saw that the Dick/Damien relationship wasn’t all there, with Damien being a brat and Dick missing the same emotional strings that his mentor did. So things go wrong almost instantly making Dick look like a mockery of the former Batman (without actually subtracting from his capabilities as Nightwing).

The thing B&R does well is the same thing the other Morrison/Quitely collaborations do well. It has the perfect balance between writing and art. The storytelling isn’t exclusive to either nor are they merely complementing each other. They’re gibberish and nonsensical without the other. It feels like what all comic books should be.

The issue being entertaining is a given. The last couple of years of Batman all lead up to this, and it hasn’t been a disappointment.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent

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