Review by: Neb

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Variant cover by FRAZER IRVING

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

I’m going to be the dissenting voice this week about this comic.  When this series first started, I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Those issues with Quietly are some great Batman comics.  But over the course the story, Grant Morrison has begun to lose me more and more until finally, he completely lost me with this issue.  I’m usually a fan of his work, and I found Batman R.I.P. to be an amazing Batman story.  With this series and the return of Bruce Wayne, he has treaded into typical territory: batshit craziness.  I know that there are many that appreciate this style in their comics, but I guess I can only tolerate so much when it comes to his superhero writing.  I don’t associate obtuseness with genius.  Morrison often treads that line between brilliance and utter confusion, and most often, for me, he falls into confusion territory.  It sorts of takes me away from the story and its impact when I’m too puzzled to even know what’s going on.  I recently re-read most of the issues for this series, and I am still completely lost as to what’s going on.  I will say that Morrison’s Joker is terrifying and funny and sadistic.  In a word, he’s written perfectly.  And Pyg is a great new villain, even though I don’t really get his motivations beyond being really messed up.  It’s too bad that Morrison’s story choices for this arc have left me in the dust because I really do want to understand.  I want to be with everyone else in the story, but he leaves me feeling dumb and lost.

I’m also not the hugest Irving fan, but the art is pretty good in this issues.  I liked the scenes with the Joker and the series of panels where Damian battles Pyg’s army is interesting.  I’m just not a huge fan of his painterly style because it makes it look like bad CG images like from the TV show “Reboot.”

Admittedly, I will buy the rest of the series until Morrison leaves just so I have a complete set for when I ebay the comics.  And who knows, maybe these last issues will pay off.  But this issue…not my favorite.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 3 - Good

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