Review by: spawn

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Avg Rating: 3.9
Users who pulled this comic:
Story by Grant Morrison & Sholly Fisch
Art by Gene Ha & Cully Hamner
Colored by Brad Anderson
Cover by Gene Ha & Art Lyon

Size: 40 pages
Price: 3.99

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Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Maybe its because I’m not reading batman but this is definitely my favorite book of the 52 (issue 5 left me in TEARS with just how beautiful it was) Now that he has finished that first arc of brainiac and the origin we can start to see what a Grant Morrison superman anthology with license to do crazy stuff like hoping to another world for a one off issue. I LOVED the concept of this issue but thought that the writing was a bit heavy handed. I don’t think it would have been out of place to put an * with a box in the corner saying “SUPERGODS by grant Morrison, available wherever books are sold!!”

    As for the back up, I thought it was a fun little elsewords story “What if Superman was the President…and black”

    Superman-23 is black
    Wonderwoman-23 is black

    Why is Cyborg-23 not white?

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