iFanboy Video Podcast

Reprint: iFanboy #54 – The Sandman

Show Notes

The topic of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman has long been one of controversy at the iFanboy offices. Ron took up the challenge and read the whole epic, and Conor jumped in too. Did Lord Morpheus, the Dream King have any lasting effect? You will certainly be surprised by what transpires within.

Whether you’re a long time fan of this classic series, or wondering if you should plunk down your money for The Absolute Sandman, this episode of iFanboy should have something for you. Thanks to Josh’s bookshelf, both Ron and Conor somewhat reluctantly started with volume 1: Preludes and Nocturnes straight through volume 10: The Wake.

Did Ron like it? Did Conor hate it? Did Josh ever really like it in the first place? Is reading them in sequence the right way to go? What is the best eye shadow for podcasting? Many answers are contained herein.

Running Time: 00:24:10


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  1. Whoever uploaded that dream diary image with Ron’s ‘goth’ look on the cover, please post that link here!

  2. GOOD GOD! I just experienced a flashback of my college days. Picture it Hollywood, CA in the mid ninties. Every maladjusted girl ( and some boys) trying desperately to look like Death, even the fat ones. I didn’t think it would ever end.

  3. @captbastard –

    Ron’s Dream Diary by Dave Accampo

  4. This episode still has the best Conor moment from the videos. Looking at Ron, closing the computer, and walking away. 

  5. Greatest.



  6. I’m still waiting for you guys to sell that journal Dave made.

  7. It is always good to see Gordon.

  8. You should go watch episode 16 after you watch this one.  Interestingly, Josh didn’t like Scalped at first. I watched ep. 16 a long time ago, but I had forgotten that.

  9. @Paul

     I originally read Sandman via means that would require me to don a garrish hat, an eye patch, a peg leg, a hook, and a wise-mouthed parrot; I absolutely loved it. When I wanted to have my friend read it, in addition to feeling guilty for my pirating ways, I began the purchasing-of-trades process. I had considered splurging (eww) for the Absolute editions, but 6 TPBs in and I’m glad I didn’t. I’m not nearly enjoying this second read-through like I did the first. I still think it’s an excellent comic, certainly, but I think that since originally reading Sandman (which was one of the 1st series I’d ever read in comics) I’ve seen so much more in comics that Morpheus & co. aren’t one of few shining beacons of comicdom, if that makes sense. Even in that original run, I just stopped for months when I hit the World’s End arc. I ended up just skipping most of it, which is what I think I’ll do now that I’m upon that TPB. 

    My friend, who’s not as heavily into comics or the science of them as I am, actually really liked the 1st TPB; he loved the layouts (he also assumed that Dream was a closet homosexual because his tower was quite phallic). Which, come to think of it, I think that arc w/ Sam Kieth pencilling was my favorite art of the series. In rereading it now, I’m realizing that I really don’t like a lot of the artists to have come on the book. Kelly Jones, for one, who had great images drawn in his arcs (including one that is emblazoned on the shirt I’m wearing, which I just realized was on as I watched this 5 seconds ago) was wildly inconsistent. Perhaps on purpose? Meh.

    In summary, and in apropos of nothing I’ve written here, Ron’s garb reminds me of this site: http://www.gothsinhotweather.com/

  10. "So Sad" post-script: I’ve found discussions around the web about this episode from Sandman fans who were very upset that we’d made fun of the book in such an obvious way, but having Ron do that.  They obviously didn’t get past the cold open, nor did they realize that it was really making fun of Ron, and there was an actual discussion about the book.

    Me, I’m glad Conor liked it, and that’s what I took away from this one.

  11. I can’t believe they had Ron do the ENTIRE show that way.

  12. I very much can. 

  13. Everytime I see this I think the smashing Punpkins are gonna start playing at any moment….

    "Today is the greates… day I’ve ever know, don’t live for tomorrow…."

  14. Fun show guys!



    My sister and I always summarized Sandman as Morpheus coming to terms with wanting to change, but accepts that he really can’t so he decides to die instead. Fantastic compilation of stories about the king of stories, and how his influence permeates through our existence.

    Lucifer was a decent spin off, but lost me after the 5th trade.  

  15. @Josh:


    How was Mike Carey’s "The Furies"?

    and, is Lyta Hall related to Hawkman??

  16. I have no idea.

  17. @UncleBob

    Lyta Hall was the wife of Hector Hall, who was the Sandman in the 70s, and the new Dr. Fate. She was originally the daughter of the Golden Age Wonder Woman and Steve trevor, but after Crisis on infinite Earths, the Goldan Age Wonder Woman no longer existed, so they said she was the daughter of a new character called The Fury. Lyta was the "legacy" version of that character, as she had her mothers powers and also became the Fury. Her original last name was Trevor, changed to Hall after marrying Hector. I don’t think hecotr Hall has any connection with Hawkman, but I could be wrong.  

  18. Rewatching this has finally inspired me to start reading Sandman. I love Fables, I’m loving Unwritten, I’m clearly secretly a Vertigo girl.  It’s about time I get around to the big one.

  19. @UncleBob and JohnVFerrigno – Adding to what John wrote above: Hector Hall was the son of the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl. He became the Silver Scarab, joined Infinity Inc., married Lyta, and then died. He came back as a new iteration of the 70’s Sandman (red/yellow costume), but it was revealed in Gaiman’s storyline "The Doll’s House" that he was, in fact, dead and that his spirit was living on in a little corner of the dreaming controlled by two nightmares (Brute and Glob) during the period in which Morpheus was imprisoned.


  20. … and then tying it back to what John wrote: Hector only became the new Dr. Fate after being resurrected (by Johns in JSA). All of this was post-Sandman. At the time Gaiman was writing it, Hall was dead and living in the Dreaming, although Gaiman portrayed him as more of a ghost who didn’t really understand that he was dead. He brought Lyta into the dreaming and they conceived a child there, so she and the child were released by Morpheus once he was freed.

    (all of this brought to you by memory and not wikipedia. Man, I am a total nerd. Also: old.)


  21. Last thing for anyone scared off by the above two paragraphs: you really don’t NEED to know any of that stuff. The first storyline ties to the DCU, but by the time Doll’s House really gets rolling, Gaiman’s off in his own world, and I really don’t think you need any continuity knowledge — Gaiman really tries to angle it all so that you have everything you need to understand the story he’s telling.

  22. @daccampo – Your explanation certainly doesn’t scare me off Sandman, but it certainly makes me scared of you.  You know more about continuity than I do about my wife.

  23. Don’t get me started on your wife’s continuity! What a tangled mess!

    Did you know she actually had to retcon her birthname due to a mix-up at the hospital?

    Yes, that’s right… your wife’s original name was actually "Angelina Jolie."





  24. Thanks daccampo.  I am really impressed.  You’re right, none of that knowledge is essential to Sandman and/or JSA, but it is really cool to know the connections.

  25. @daccampo – You have given me much to ponder.

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