Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


changingshades05/30/09NoRead Review
har13quin05/30/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. pretty good crossover, but i’m kinda ready for it to be done. I love Crains art soooooooo much though!

  2. Enjoyed the arc when I finally caught up on it. it’ll be a while before I read this (probably a month or so) so I’ll see you all then.

  3. I’ve liked the X-Force issues and hated the Cable issues in this crossover.  Hopefully this continues the trend

  4. yeah cable sucks.

  5. Whhaaa?  The Cable book is awesome.  Swierczynski is killing it, and Olivetti is the best artist at Marvel.

  6. Yeah, Cable is at its absolute peak right now – and I don’t mean of the current Cable series, I mean as a character.

  7. Olivetti reminds me of bad video game graphics

  8. I agree about Olivetti.  I have to rush to the bathroom when I see his art.  It’s cool that Cable’s mean-ass clone is back though.

  9. Olivetti is a great artist… just not for superhero comics. His style just doesn’t seem to really put the action in the action scenes. Since it looks like a painting everything comes across as stagnant and stationary, even when there are explosions going on in the background.

    I am by no means saying he is a bad artist because he obviously has a metric ton of talent, he just doesn’t belong on these action heavy super hero books.

  10. I love cable atm but I can totally see where Parker is coming from. Olivetti’s art is almost too good for the book, or rather, is wrong for the book, and possibly comics all together. I love the way he lights his scenes but his back grounds are to sparse and the characters lack dynamism. That said, I could still read a book he is on all day because he has a real fine art quality to his work.

     As the story goes, it is all good for me so far. very interested to see what they do with Apocalypse. 

  11. I was pretty disappointed in this.  Stryfe is a one-note villain who wore out his welcome over a decade ago, and Cable is meant to be a side-character

  12. this was great.  lots of action and the story moved along. i liked the art as well.

  13. For me these are both my First X-Force AND Cable comics ever, and so far I like ’em

  14. Did anything really happen in this issue though?  I feel like Bishop, Stryfe, and the kid have been sitting in that room for the last three parts of the crossover.  Very Savage-Landish

  15. @parker and har13quin.  Wow.  What other art has Olivetti done?  Obviously, I need to see that, but I hate everything that he has done in comics. 

  16. well…i thought it was a solid issue. Didn’t jump the story forward in a durastic way, but i feel like it was definatly one of the more fun issues of the crossover. 3/5 . (would be 4/5 but i feel like Crain really fell apart in spots, usually he is stunning)

  17. @Fvckstick – I like Crain a lot too, but I can’t stand when he blurs the panels when he’s trying to show motion.  Its a cool effect, but he goes pretty overboard

  18. "Maybe he’s pregnant."


  19. i have a feeling "doop" is going to be the real messiah.

  20. I think Crain is being rushed…. those panels that look blurry? theyre just less rendered than other panels…they look like preliminary color sketches on photoshop, since everything he does is digital. they’re just unfinished.

    Still cool artwork in most cases. I like this crossover actually, the whole thing feels like it would make one good movie! I missed Apocalypse, and I have fond memories of Stryfe as a cool villain from when I was a kid.

    I just hope I’m not turned off by the ending. 

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