Review by: changingshades

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Avg Rating: 3.7
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Price: 2.99

Man, this would be the most
perfect series/crossover if it wasn’t for the stillbirth of the art. I am
curious how well this book sells that they aren’t putting good artists on it
but, as far as I can tell, everyone is loving the story. This crossover reads
like a good version of X-Cutioner’s Song, with the villains and the character
moments. Regardless, it is definitely the best Stryfe story in the history of
the character. I do think that this is probably my favorite use of Deadpool in
a while, and I say that as someone enjoying the ongoing DP book. I like seeing
the new status quo of Warren’s wings being used in the curing of Apocalypse.
This book could be the best X-Book on the stands if the art wasn’t so awful,
but its X-Force so it’s not like this book was ever known as a shining star of
artistic talent, was it?

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 1 - Poor


  1. wow, you really hated the art! I thought it was really good and atmospheric. what is it about it you dislike so much?

  2. It looks like bad CGI to me. I can’t stand the art on Cable either.

  3. That is a fair comment. It is unashamedly computer generated and I can see why you might not like that. Personally I think its great!

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