Magneto uncovers the existence of X-Force and the only way he’ll keep the team’s secret is if they assassinate a mysterious figure from his past! Who is so important that Magneto would employ such methodology? Why can’t he do the deed himself? The answer is buried in a terrible secret from the ashes of World War II. No man can outrun his past forever…

Story by Rick Remender
Art by Billy Tan
Colors by Dean White
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Esad Ribic

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.0%


Peteparker05/13/11YesRead Review
froggulper05/05/11YesRead Review
JesTr05/05/11NoRead Review
wallythegreenmonster05/05/11YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. Dang, I hope the extra-promptness of this book doesn’t indicate long waits ahead. That said, I would gladly get this book every other week.

  2. I think Wolverine is the only member of the team not to walk away from a corpse at the end of an issue.

  3. Been a fantastic start to this series, can’t see Remender letting up any slack going forward.

  4. Great series…love this but I miss Jerome Opena. That first arc was the strongest. With that being said this book still looks amazing and Dean White colors have really helped keep it consistent.

    Tan’s art on the last issue was really good.

  5. I picked up the previous issue and dug it. Best X-Men story I read in a really long time. I’m not crazy about black ops teams, but this is very well written. No problem whatsoever with Tan’s work.

  6. I’m glad we’re kinda moving away from the Deathlok stuff, I loved the opening Apocalypse story and this Magneto story promises to be great (spoiler alert)…all leading up to Archangel returning to “Death” again in issue 11…one of my favorite books out right now, hope they keep up the good stuff…and we need more Fantomex!!!

  7. This sounds fun, can’t wait for more Uncanny Fun. 

  8. Wow, are these coming out quickly. I went to subscription with issue #8, so I won’t see my copies for a while.

  9. Isn’t this like the 3rd issue to come out in about 4 weeks? btw that is not a bad thing tht is a goo thing, as long as quality doesn’t suffer, which it hasn’t so far

  10. This book keeps building momentum. I’m really looking foward to reading this one. I just saw that Ribic is doing a new Ultimates book with Hickman and I’m worried he may not be on this in the future. Marvel really shouldn’t mess with this book as it is…

  11. Loving where this series is going

  12. hell to the yes! That cover is a chill-giver. My favorite book + guest appearance of my favorite character. My week has been made. Thank you, Remender!

  13. It’s a really light week for me, I’m going to give this one a try based on the previous raves on the POTW show.

  14. @Swifty  way to be!

  15. @swifty This title isn’t half bad, and the previous X-FOrce volume ROCKED as well!

  16. Still disappointed to see Jerome Opena go, but maybe he’s just taking a breather.  Billy Tan will have to do. 

  17. I concur, Opena, was a highlight on this book; Tan is a capable replacement. Rick Remender is the star here so as long as he is onboard, so am I!!!!

  18. @GothicSith  @Peteparker  Remender said on one of the the podcasts here that Opena is working on the last arc of the first act of the book (13 or 14-18 I think) so he is not gone. Just wanted to share the good news.

  19. That is good news, thanks!

  20. Tan’s Magneto was hella janky.

  21. I hated this. The only issue of the book so far that i haven’t absolutely loved. Magneto looked awful… well not really… Just the helmet. The HELMET!! A good flogging is what you deserve, Tan, for what you did to that helmet. The story was flat too. Oh well…

  22. Tan was awful. Is this the end if Opena’s run?

    Nice one shot. I’m ready to delve back into the regular story, and really could have done without this issue.

  23. @RocketRacoon  Opeña’s stock piling issues for the next arc, I think he’s doing like 5 in a row.

  24. i thought it was ok 3/3. Something about that 2nd to last page made me feel like there is something bigger going on here that will play out down the road. Anyone else feel that?

  25. Never thought I’d say this. But Billy Tan CRUSHED this book. Great work and definitely my POTW.

  26. What was up with that helmet, think that was the worst version of Magneto’s helmet I’ve ever seen!

    That bear skin was from the Wolverine mini-series, wasn’t it, the one he hunted down in the cave in the first issue.

  27. @EgonSpengler  No way. Magneto was all over the place. Dean White killed it as much as possible but couldn’t cover up young Rutger Hauer Magneto.

  28. I enjoy the art of ‘silent issues’, but man was this story weak.  You mean to tell me that Magneto suddenly needs Wolverine to do his dirty work for him???  Please…

  29. I thought this was great on all fronts. Story and art.

  30. The storytelling with the art was great but I wasn’t too into the actual story. If Magneto needed a Nazi taken out he would have done it in the 40 years he was evil.

  31. @wallythegreenmonster  Yeah, that’d be the only redeeming thing about one appears to be a one-shot story. 

    The art was bad, and Magneto needs Wolverine to kill a Nazi for him?  Not very credible.

    The story feels like it exists just so the conversation between the Nazi and Wolverine can happen.  Great convo, but it was built on a rather shitty foundation and bad characterization for Magneto.

  32. By the way this was my pick of the week haha.  I blame the lack of books.

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