Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Mart06/13/08YesRead Review
RaceMcCloud06/13/08NoRead Review
WadeWilson06/12/08YesRead Review
JD06/12/08NoRead Review
Zenogaias8406/11/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.0
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  1. Trinty #1 was the First ever Wonder Woman, 4th Batman and 2nd Superman comic I have ever bought. I think I understand what is going on , I am not that good with DC Univ. and I bought Final Crisis and have no clue what is going on.  Never read 52 or anything before FC.

  2. Same here, Final Crisis left me completely confused. I am kind of scared to buy a weekly book but I think I might try this one. Out of the 3 characters though, I only like Batman.

  3. Does anyone know the duration of this series? Is it a 52 issue run, or will it run indefinitely?

  4. I am guessing it is just going to run . . . . DC does have a thing for the number 52 doesn’t it?  

  5. I know the rating is currently pretty low, but I really thought this was much better than #1.  Fairly action packed with an interesting guest star.

  6. I thought it was ok but I dont like that it has the story after the trinity story i wish that there was just the trinity story for all the pages.

  7. I liked this just barely enough to want to buy the 3rd issue. There were a few cool things, like the expanding solor system and the gothic-gotham thing, both of which I hope to see more of, and Enigma wasn’t so irratating this issue, but then again he didn’t talk much. I think giving wonder woman some fairly boring giant robots to fight was…fairly boring. Anyway, bring on the next issue!

  8. I’m just happy I didn’t have to remember the B story from last week for two months.  I’m liking the format here.

  9. So it looks like the backup story in each issue will continue into the front story of the next?

    That means I might buy the next one for John Stewart, but otherwise, I’m not grabbed.  

  10. This was, without a doubt, the worst comic in my stack (10+ books) this week.  Just dreadful writing in both stories, and bad art in the main story (the backup story had decent art).  This book is dropped.

  11. This series is definitely on thin ice. How hard can it be to make a good book with Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman?

  12. I think the main problem I have with it now is how short it seems to be. Last weeks’ seemed to be going somewhere interesting and then ended. I didn’t even bother reading the second part, because I thought it was just a one part story that I’ve seen others like it before. Then I read this issue and found out it was a continuation. So I’m not even going to bother going back and reading either issue. I think I’m just done with it and can’t see myself continuing to buy it in hopes that it will get better. I’d rather there be a good comic of each of them instead of bad ones with all of them.

  13. This book could, and should be kickass. But it’s not. I didn’t read Count Down, but I did read 52 and I thought it was okay. I don’t know what you guys think, but Marvel has it right with Amazing Spider-Man. Maybe it’s because there are so many characters that DC tries to squeeze into their weeklies that it bogs down what could be fun and exciting story. I don’t know. All I’m saying is that ASM is the best weekly out right now.

  14. Trinity + DC Universe 0 are the first DC books I’ve read.  I figured Trinity would be a good place to jump on since it covers "The Big 3".

    So far though?  Meh.  I’ll probably be sticking with Marvel and Image (for Kirkman stuff).

    I need more recommendations though since I just started back.  Picking up ASM, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Invincible and Walking Dead as my normal books.  Plus of course right now Secret Invasion stuff.  Hmm, time to browse around for some good hints at what else to go for.

    But I’ll probably stay away from DC I think.

  15. @the bouv don’t let this book sour you on DC. Action Comics is great. Green Lantern is great. Pretty much anything written by Geoff Johns — great. Also check out this new arc of batman confedential or All Star Superman. This book doesn’t equal all of DC. I mean, DC fans aren’t liking this much either. You want to give DC a real shot, see what people are actually enjoying.

  16. ^ Amen to that!

    Please don’t judge DC books by the two you mentioned thebouv, especially Trinity. Check out the books NealAppeal suggested for the the best of what DC has to offer.

    As a new reader I’d personally recomend you check out the current storyline of Green Lantern, it’s an origin story, and also Action Comics is starting a new story right now, and if you can, get the first two issues of Batman R.I.P. & get on board there, I think it’s gonna be good stuff.

  17. Had a little card inserted with my pulls with the list of Batman RIP stuff, so I might pick up some of those.  After talking DC with a friend, he gave me two All Star Superman issues to read (10 and 11).  Makes me interested enough to get my hands on 1-9 at least.

    However, my impressions will take something good to topple.  Besides Batman, the DC heroes just seem too inhuman to really get into.  I need some flaws man, some personality.

    If anything I could see myself picking up Batman.  I’ll see after I start on the RIP storyline.

    Thanks for the pointers on the other stuff.  I’ll try to get my hands on some of it.

  18. This book is all setup right now, and as a result, it’s disappointing in the ‘wait and see’ way they are releasing it. I’m still buying it, and hopeful to see something come out of it.

  19. @thebouv I gotta agree with the Green Lantern recommendation. I jumped on with Secret Origins #1 and have been enjoying the story of Hal Jordan. It’s also showing me a lot about the history of the Green Lanterns. Also, if you read Rebirth you will find out how flawed Hal Jordan was and what he has to deal with since he came back. I’m looking forward to where this series is heading and it seems really promising.

  20. We’re only two issues in so I don’t really have an opinion about the series yet, but Trinity #2 left me feeling confused in a few parts and I thought that the story was too choppy.  The art was fine but not exceptional (I liked Derenick’s art better than Bagley’s), and the overall reading experience was rather bland for me.  I’m still curious to see where the story will go and I’m sure #3 will be close to the top of my stack so Busiek hasn’t lost my interest at all, but I hope that the story gets a bit smoother in the coming weeks.

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