Comic Books
Now that the conspiracy involving New Krypton’s council has been brought to light, can Superman keep his people from tearing each other apart? And what does a skull-shaped ship flying towards New Krypton mean?
Written by Greg Rucka and James RobinsonArt by Pete Woods and Ron Randall
Cover by Gary Frank
Variant cover by Ladr
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
Jedimasterrob2001 | 02/03/10 | No | Read Review |
FraggleUprising | 02/03/10 | No | Read Review |
Slockhart | 02/03/10 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.1
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Ever since Zod left this book has been lifeless. Glad they’re going to fight Brainiac now.
I’m genuinely curious about how this will end and what it will lead into, but I’m done with the Superman storyline after this.
My involvement in War of the Supermen rests solely on this issue. I’m even willing to drop Supergirl if this comic sucks again.
I do want to read Last Stand of New Krypton but other than that Superman is the only Superbook left in my pull. But also with Mon being in JLA now I might skip that one too if Bernard Chang leaves art.
According to solicits, the event is going to be a Codename: Patriot style crossover with a prologue in Adventure, part one Last Stand, part two Supergirl, part three Superman, etc. So I’m not sure how well just reading those two would work out.
@Slockhart- Well Fuck. Fine but only those issues that are in War of Supermen. God Damnit.
If it helps, Action doesn’t appear to be involved.
The bad news? I reread the solicits, and thats for a two-month crossover called Brainiac and the Legion of Superheroes that’ll end the last week of April. Apparently War of the Superman won’t even start until May. I’m starting to think about calling it off regardless of WoNK 12.
I feel like there is a lot left to show us and 32 pages will not be enough.
Finally I can be done with this. Leaves me with just Secret Origin. Think I will just wait for the trade on the ‘War’ issues.
Unless people are loving it, then I will just get sucked back in.
Wow everyone seems down on the Superman franchise. I’ve really been enjoying all these books, and I can’t wait for the next events.
@magnum240: Agreed.
For those of us just reading WONK, the series which started off so interesting just got dull and disjointed half way through. I think it has been regaining a focus, but that is why so many are down on the Superman franchise. For a lot us WONK was our touchstone for the franchise and many (myself included) lost interest. Still, I am intrigued by this Superman War and will probably follow along somehow to see what’s up with that.
I was excited for all of the upcoming Superman stuff until I saw they are doing it by crossing over with all of the Superman titles. I don’t know if I’m willing to plunk down that much money. I was hoping it will all be contained in one mini with the other books being ancillary. I might jump off the whole Superman bandwagon after this issue.
I agree with the first comment, this book has been so boring since issue 6 and I keep buying it waiting for the end to blow me away. If this issue is more of the same I’m not getting Last Stand or War of Supermen.
Still dig this book.
If I had even a smidgen of willpower I would have dropped this book a while ago. I hope this issue redeems the few.
How close are we to just having a normal Superman title again?
Soon? It’s gotta be soon right?
@TNC-as disappointed as I am with this series as a whole, I’m glad they are trying something different with the franchise.
I’m gonna miss saying WONK…
Hmm, now I’m wanting to stay on this story simply because it looks like Superman 700 will be a part of it. I think I have a problem.
I haven’t found this boring. Maybe not mind blowing, but I thought they did a nice job of setting up the world, and then showing us how even though Clark is surrounded by people with the same powers he still finds a way to be better and a hero. And everyone complains about the alien of the week guest star, but I felt it showed us and the rest of the Kryptonians how respected Superman is throughout the universe, while also getting New krypton involved with the rest of the universe as well. I’m not really sure what people were expecting from this….
@TNC are you asking for mediocrity?
The series has been entertaining. I just wish it wasn’t such an awkward ending to the series. Aren’t we in the middle of a murder investigation with Adam Strange? Lots of ground to cover in this issue.
I think people are forgetting how the Superman titles used to be . . .
I agree the story has lost some momentum – but not every issue can have climatic action.
There needs to be character building and plot development . . . and the writing has been well above par.
Compare the Superman franchise to the previous few years — this is a definite improvement.
Good by comparison ≠ Good
Correct me if I’m wrong, but when you get to part X of X of a story, shouldn’t there be an ending?
I’m out. I’ll get Supergirl 50 and Adventure 7, but then it’s so long, Superverse.
@WinTheWonderBoy- Ya but now you can type LSOWONK or WOTSM. Or you could shorten them to LSWONK & WOSM
I was so excited when this series started. I like the last page, but much of the rest of the series feels superfluous. The only REAL change was that the Labor Guild is now on the council. Did we even know they weren’t there before this series started?
So the "evil" genius who instigated the string of murders is the only Black Kryptonian we have ever seen (that I can recall). Interesting. I don’t think either of these writers are even remotely racist and I am one of the least PC people on the planet, but that seems like an easy thing to avoid.
I’m not sure we needed 12 issues in this series. I’m mean I feel like they’re stretching this whole thing, and it hasn’t been that exciting at all. I love the Superman Universe, but this series is really making me rethink on taking a break from it. We’ll see…
Superman is just not an interesting character, when everyone else around him has the same abilities.
Ugg I’m done with Superman books for a while, totally disappointed with this. This didn’t feel like a miniseries, it felt like 2-3 arcs of an ongoing. The first arc was great, the murder mystery arc was weak. I remember when this was solicited as 1 of 15 so I’m thinking this Last Stand of New Krypton mini was originally planned as part of the series. This mini didn’t feel complete, it felt like half of it was filler and the intended finale seems to be in another series. I loved the idea of putting Supes on a world of supermen and I loved the dynamic between Clark and Zod, but in the end it just fell flat.
@stuclach – I hate that every single villain, murderer, or criminal has to be white now to avoid appearing racist, so I’m glad they didn’t.
Twelve isssues of wheel spinning then it just stopped. This is an example of how not to do a miniseries.
@skeets: unfortunately we live in the United States of the Offended now.
@skeets – If we had seen a few other black Kryptonians to offset the "evil" one it wouldn’t have been as noticeable. As I said, I don’t have a problem with it, but why take the chance. The last thing DC (or the comics industry, as a whole) needs is Jesse Jackson’s rhyming babble aimed at them (as @boostergold4 pointed out).
Very solid ending. Good stuff.
Thought the series fell on its face in the second half.
@stuclach – flip through your issues, there were plenty of black Kryptonians including one on Clark’s squad.
Glad this mess is over.
Now all we need is Superman back in Superman comics & James Robinson not writing them & I’ll be happy.