Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 4.4%


Mithel12/14/08YesRead Review
JoeCom12/10/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. oh man, this is the perfect christmas present, the team that brought me back to marvel comics

  2. Damn you $3.99! I’ll wait for the trade on this.

  3. I’ll spend 3.99, If it full of comic pages, and not that BS marvel information about the Punisher. But hay Ennis is back on it. Pluse i really like "Welcome Back Frank Castle" (If you’ve never read it it, that a good punisher comic)

  4. I will buy anything written by Ennis & Dillion

  5. Buying this because of Ennis & Dillon.

  6. I’m going to go ahead and agree with the smart fellas above my post.

  7. This is one of at least three comics I won’t be buying this week because they’re priced at $3.99.

  8. Way to go TNC….

    You say, your only buying 6 Marvel titles and now this is coming out…Guess buying it at trade wont make me a hypocrite…

  9. Nice to have Dillon back.

  10. If I were to only purchase $2.99 books, I would only be reading 2 books this week instead of the 8 I’m currently planning on reading.

  11. 3.99?  whatever?  these guys will bang out a sick story.  bring it.

  12. I’m not a huge fan of the Marvel Knights version of Punisher, it’s more black humor compared to Punisher MAX version,  which was like a hardcore crime movie (like Scalped) … but, it’s Ennis & Dillon, so what am I gonna do, not read it?

  13. I can’t justify $3.99 for another mini-series.  I’m almost being reduced to only buying ongoing.  This creative team does have me excited for the trade though.  It’ll be a tough few months for the wait though.

  14. hopefully this will wash away that horrid taste from the recent moive.  my only real gripe is that theres no Bradstreet cover.  After all of the Ennis punisher books that have had bradstreet as the cover artist, why the fuck not these?  or even do a 50/50 variant style with a fucking Bradstreet cover.  way to drop the fucking ball

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