Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


jmstump04/04/08NoRead Review


  1. This book is on the line.  If this issue is as bad as the last I’m dropping it.

  2. Agreed, jstump. I was really excited after the value-packed $1.00 issue but that first issue was a clunker – the whole thing felt disjointed. I’ve never read any of the previous Kreuger/Ross projects so I don’t know if this is par for the course, but issue 2 will really have to come through for me to keep up with this one.

  3. I really didn’t mind the first issue, and I’m really wondering where this is going.  Having said that, I might not pick it up this week due to money issues.

  4. I just read the preview for this issue and part of it makes less sense then last issue. *grumble*

  5. This was better than last issue, but not fantastic. What cracks me up is that this and The Twelve both have a "Dynamic Man". Both Golden Age heroes with green outfits and blonde hair…wonder if they’re the same character? Could be, if Dynamic Man is old enough to be in public domain.

  6. what a waste of cash.

    i wondered if it had just been that i’d missed issue 1 of this book, but i guess it’s just not that good.

    i didn’t know what the heck was going on. at least i don’t have to worry about tracking down issue 1.    


  7. @niceguyeddie – I’ve been reading since issue 0 and I’m not terribly sure what all is going on.  The book is a waste of cash.  I just wish it had a different artist on it, because I really did the art.

  8. I’m not getting what is hard to follow,  I love this comic… maybe it helps I love the golden age Heroes and know who is who (The Green Lama and Daredevil are fantastic Golden Age Characters), but for rme this title is getting ready to bubble over… chalk me up as a huge fan.

  9. My love of Golden Age superheroes ensures that I will read this thing to the bitter end.  However, I’m finding the writing as clunky as many of the other posters here.  I had the same problem with the Earth X books that Krueger wrote (especially Universe X & Paradise X – which I still haven’t finished).

    I can’t put my finger on exactly why his writing doesn’t work for me.  If someone were to give me a plot synopsis of this story or the Earth X stories, I would say that they sound really good.  Somehow it just ends up a bit convoluted in the execution.

  10. I’m going to hang in for a few more issues.  The art is gorgeous, the story’s a bit slow, nothing’s really happened yet.  Something needs to happen soon, though!

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