Comic Books


Having made a stand against the cyborg militia, Silas must now lead the tribes in building a settlement.

Story by Ken Garing
Art by Ken Garing
Cover by Ken Garing

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 10.4%


jpriester7308/24/12NoRead Review
KingsPilgrim1308/21/12YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. Goodness, between this, Revival, Fatale and Saga, you almost don’t need to buy anything other than Image books, do you? They are certainly killing it right now.

  2. What an awesome cover. Great book so far! Not much to say other than this one-man creative force is putting out a really great sci-fi book.

  3. This has been very cool. I wonder if it will be over after the planned 5 issues, or if maybe Garing has some more stories to tell with Silas. I would defintely be up for more; we have only gotten a small dose of this world, but it is so intriguing I want to know more. Thank you iFanboy, for putting this awesome book on my radar.

  4. This has been a lot of fun. Cool twists and turns. Gonna be a good comic week.

  5. Dang, this issue didn’t really do it for me. Not bad by any means, but I was a bigger fan of the lone wanderer discovering a planet rather than the group dynamic here.

    • I agree that I enjoyed the lone wolf discovering a new planet a bit more, but for me, this issue really showcased the wonderful sense of pacing and visual storytelling that Ken Garing has.
      In one issue he covered like three months of real time, and really fleshed out Silas as a hero, not just a badass. It also didn’t feel like stuff was left out, or that we were told too much at once. He highlighted the real important stuff like finding food sources, to solve the problems of hunters vs. sendentary campers, and little touches like the kids and the kite, or the teamwork involved in getting mushrooms. The ending shows that this happy little settlement probably won’t last for long, and I can’t wait for the next issue, to see where things go.

    • The mushroom discovery was probably my favorite moment of the issue. And yes, the guy really is a master of pacing. Excited to see what comes next, since each issue has been its own beast so far, which is great.

    • In this issue he had to build a world you cared about before the coming conflict in issue 4. What better way to care for something than to watch it grow from the beginning. Its too bad its only a mini I absolutely loved it! Glad my LCS surprised me and ordered it for me this week!

  6. Favorite issue of the series so far

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