Comic Books

NOVA #23

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.5%


Itiscritical03/25/09YesRead Review
TheNextChampion03/25/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. I need to cut back on a series or two. This book always erks me up until the last panel( the last couple issues). The cliffhangers are awesome, but i’m losing interest in everything else.

  2. Yeah that last page reveal was actually the weakest in the entire series.

    Let’s hope this issue picks up the fun a bit.

  3. Not sure what my future will be like on this title Post-War of Kings, but we’ll see. I’d like to stay on, but I’m loosing interest in the book.

  4. To add my 2 cents to the choris of discontent and budgets… I might drop this title. There are just too many books this week!

  5. Everything about this book is amazing, and it is only getting better.  This is my fav series right now.  I wish I had the restrain to read these at the end of story arcs, because the cliffhangers are amazing and drive me nuts.

  6. Is the cover pretty much spoiling what’s going to happen in this issue?

  7. compared to guardians of the galaxy this book hasn’t been holding up since the new nova corps was introduced, i dont think this book will be on my pull for much longer its been a fun ride though

  8. Wow I am totally losing interesting in this book.

    These last two issues have been medicore at best.

  9. I’m always glad when Nova comes out

  10. you all may drop it but i still think nova is one of the best books out there.  you cant expect every issue to be "in your face fantastic!" other wise you wouldnt be reading any comics.

    by the way, i loved this issue.

  11. Nice art, nice twist at the end (both with the bands and the turn-coat Dr Neker), and a fun read.  The only part of Dark Reign that’s been interesting to me is the idea that AIM/HYDRA have been embedded in SHIELD for years.  I’m happy to see that popping up in more places than just Secret Warriors.

  12. Love how Abnett and Lanning just put Necker exactly where she needed to be for a certain other past Abnett series. Great issue and great continuity guys!

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