Comic Books

NOVA #18

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


Templar10/30/08YesRead Review
TheNextChampion10/29/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. I am more excited about this than any other book this wek. Last month’s issue was fantastic.

  2. @coltrane: Agreed, it’s mathematically impossible….but this series gets better by each issue. Which is impossible, because each issue is perfect!

  3. Have any of the nova writers adressed the pointy "you’ll put an eye out with those things" shoulder things?

    Not trying to mock the character I think he’s cool. Just wondering if the shoulder things were ever used offensively in a fight or something…

  4. Sweet looking cover.

  5. Wow! Where did that last page come from? 🙂

  6. Nova, Darkhawk and Quasar kicking ass and taking names later.  Clearly, the 90’s were full of good ideas.  This book is so much better than it has any right being it’s not even funny.

  7. This was some good old fashioned comic book fun

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