Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 9.0%


JoseRivera8310/15/09NoRead Review
robbydzwonar10/10/09YesRead Review
dneufeld10/08/09YesRead Review
miyamotofreak10/07/09YesRead Review
akamuu10/07/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.7
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. This is going to be a tense countdown to #12.

  2. Oh boy. This oughta be intense.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that this is actually a suspense/horror book.

  3. I’m sorry but that cover is hilarious.

    It’s morbid, but hilarious.

  4. @JumpingJupiter – I agree completely.  This hasn’t ever been a Superhero book.  I have never felt this tense reading a book (prose or comic).

    I read Irredeemable Vol. 1 last week and don’t really think it is in the same league as this one.  Irredeemable is a very interesting idea, but I’m not into the execution.  Whereas, this book is an interesting idea executed in a very cringe (the good kind of cringe) inducing fashion.

  5. I can’t believe this doesn’t have more pulls.

  6. Very much a shame that this doesn’t have more pulls. This has been great all the way through. Perhaps people are trade waiting?

  7. SOOO much better than Irredeemable.

    SOOO much better than most of the stuff being put out. 

  8. Maybe Gabriel needed a filling done, and Alpha One is also a dentist?

    Seriously though, great book. It seems like a lot of the books I’ve been pulling have low counts. Damn it, will I ever be cool?

  9. Ha, I just noticed the heat vision is reflecting out of Gabriel’s eyes.  Adds a whole new level of humor.

  10. Well, it’s a little unfortunate that the thread for each book is sort of quarantined from the rest of the threads. Makes it harder to persuade others to try this.

    Oh well…
  11. @Slockhart:  I agree, I’ve read both and this is the better of the two.  As much as I love Geoff Johns, I think Peter Tomasi is my favorite writer at DC.

  12. this is going to be a "Cover of the Week"

  13. This is a great book, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s sooo much better than Irredeemable. 

  14. @vadamowens: I’m almost about to say they are tied because I have a hard time choosing which one to chop.

  15. I think you guys are looking at that cover all wrong. The dude is shooting the laser from inside his mouth into the other guy’s eyes while he tries to close that mouth because laser beams really hurt the eyes.

  16. It’s a tonsillectomy.

  17. As a dentist I would love to have Alpha One around the office. He would be so much quicker than my drill!

  18. SPOILER (MAYBE) – So, is Alpha One just completely, impressively insane?  Is he the mad genius who cannot tell right from wrong, but is so incredibly intelligent and powerful that it wouldn’t even matter if he could?  Why doesn’t he just kill Cole?  What is the plan?  This is simply fascinating.  It is like watching a car crash in slow motion, but the cars are being driven by dogs and are both upside down.  I’ve never read anything like this.

  19. WTF? Last issue, Alpha One flew Gabriel to his sanctuary. HOW DID GABRIEL GET HIS CAR TO DRIVE HOME? Someone, PLEASE tell me I missed a panel or two or that I dozed off for a second there, b/c it makes no sense whatsoever to me. . .

  20. i love this book

  21. @HailScott – Similar dilemma When Superman gave up his powers in Superman II in the middle of the arctic, how the hell did he get home? The answer: sometimes you just gotta have selective memory and choose to not care.

    Also, I’m especially aggravated that my store was sold out. I was looking forward to this.

  22. This book sounds intresting.

    Has it been one long story arc or is it into the second arc?

    I just looked up the trade and its the first 6 issues and not out till december:'(

  23. Hmmm, I really liked this, but it went a little too fast for me.  Also, I think I must’ve forgotten that Gabriel had one of his predecessor’s hands in his freezer? 

  24. @ Blitheh- Yep one long and intense arc.

  25. This has been very intense and enjoyable. This book was just shy of my potw.

  26. I missed the first issue issue of this series (d’oh!) so had to trade wait, & I don’t remember seeing any trades. Has there been one released, or is one coming soon?


  28. great stuff this book. reads fast though, even while stopping to look at the art and stuff.

  29. @vada- Jeez, gotta wait until December to get 6 issues? Nice work DC. Thanks for the link, dude.

  30. Did anyone hear how they’re "ending" this with #12? I’m not reading the series (so I guess I’m partly to blame) but 12 issues seems way too early to end this from what I’ve heard.

  31. @stooge I think the stories too linear to take it beyond 12 issues.

  32. I really liked this issue.

  33. I switched stores and my new store only carried 1 copy, so I haven’t gotten it yet…..

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