Comic Books
LOGAN #3 (OF 3)
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
JoshSHill | 05/13/08 | Yes | Read Review |
patio | 05/13/08 | No | Read Review |
flapjaxx | 05/08/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.2
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Everyone should be reading this.
Word up!
I’m loving this book. Can’t wait to read issue 3.
I am interested to see how this ends. The image of the last page of #2 is still fresh in my mind.
Whoa! This is only 3 parts? I thought for sure that BKV would make it longer. There are so many things that could’ve been done with this. Maybe he’ll come back to write another one someday. It’s been awesome so far, that’s why I don’t want it to end.
I like the fact that its short. I’m loving the ride, its just refreshing to have a quality, concise story on a major character.
First, I would like to say that I wish there were more short and concise stories like this in comics. Second, my LCS was having a big sale today on back issues and TPBs so I got distracted and forgot to pick this up. Now I have to wait until Sunday to get it and read it. DAMN!
A bad ending for a previously good mini-series.
This could have been two issues.
I loved this series! Strong ending too, I like the Total Recall type of ending where you can decide for yourself what happened.
Props to Marvel for not stretching this book out to 5 or 6 issues to make more money. So, we got 3 very strong issues instead of 5 or 6 watered down quality ones.
I didn’t mind the ending but now reading all 3 issues I actually wish it had been longer, like 4 or 5 . I was excited initially that is was only 3 but with this kind of deep and meaningful story being told I just felt like it went too quickly. Nice set-up but the wrap-up was too sudden for me.
I would like to think that Wolverine will be keeping this memory. He has spent his whole life searching for his past and now that he has found some of it that is actually real I can’t see him letting it go no matter how painful. But then again I guess he might already have enough pain to deal with, so maybe he will choose to forget. That is the beauty of the ending in my opinion, it makes you think and doesn’t really give you the answer.