Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 15.6%


TheNextChampion05/02/09NoRead Review
markfg05/01/09YesRead Review
changingshades04/30/09NoRead Review
Templar04/29/09YesRead Review
coltrane6804/29/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. *sighs*

    I know I said I didnt want to get the next couple of issues…..and I have dropped this in my pull bin. But then I forgot Eaglesham is back for the final issue of him and Johns….So I need to pick it up.

    Plus: Please let these 3 Alex Ross covers turn into a huge poster.

  2. In the same boat as Champion. I said I was off, but with this being Johns last issue with Ealesham on art again I’m picking it up.

  3. this "birthday" concept is either going to be an extremely awesome and unique or just a total disaster. Still, i’m a sucker for Alex Ross

  4. Can’t wait for this, although it’s very sad to see Johns go.

    Oh, and I’d definitely buy a poster of these covers.

  5. I know Johns is leaving, but would this be a good spot to hop on?

  6. @Rusty: My advice, wait until #29 when Willingham and Sturges come on. Jerry Ordway is doing the next two issues as a break between creative teams…..and I would avoid him at all costs.

  7. I’m pretty unsure about this one too.  I’ve really liked JSA.  I also love Fables with all the characters.  Now, I’m hoping some great stuff happens.  The drama definitely unfoldes in the other  books these guys pair up on!

  8. very very excited and sad….

  9. Thanks, TNC. I saw Ordway in the next two solicits, but didn’t realize it was just a two issue fill in. I’m loving Fables in trades right now, so it’ll be interesting to see where that goes. I hope everyone enjoys this.

  10. im just a sucker for Stargirl and Billy Batson relationship stuff, s im hoping theres a bunch of it here.  that was the redeeming factor in the black adam arc was seeing those two share moments

  11. Geoff Johns has written some of the best superhero comics I’ve ever read with his run on JSA. Its sad to see him go. I’ve been reading his JSA since i was 16 years old(sniff)

  12. I still cannot get over the dislike for J. Ordway!! He is one of the greats of the industry and I would buy any book he was associated with. So if you are reading this Jerry…love ya man!!

  13. riddle me this Batgirls, Is their anyone buying all three covers? In the nutzo nineties I’m sure lotsa folks would(REMEMBER x-MEN #1?)

  14. @kymsoke: In the 90s I *definitely* would have.

  15. If I had an extra $10 to blow over; yes I would get all three covers.

    But I’m sure they’re gonna turn this into a poster eventually

  16. I’ll be leaving this book with Johns. It’s been great fun JSA … goodbye. *sniff*

    @Rusty — I would say go back & read the trades of Johns’ run, not start reading now. I think Johns is the Terminator of comic writers, so maybe I’m biased 😛

  17. If they cost $1.25 like they did back in the early 90s, then I would definitely buy all three covers.  But at $2.99, there are other comics I’d lke to spend $6 on.

  18. I like the cover shown, it will be nice to see the other two but I will only buy one no matter what.

  19. I just a lot of store credit online for selling back issues, so I’m going to buy those two other covers to compliment the one I have. JSA: Our Worlds At War special was the first DC team book I bought when I returned to comics in 2001/2002. The sheer scope of team amazed me and I immediately wanted onboard. I’ve been a devoted JSA fan since the first issue of the Ultra-Humanite Arc with Jack Frost. I was a bit confused to say the least, but man… great storytelling. I’m also a devoted Stargirl fan, so I this issue ticked all of my boxes.

    But… this issue leaves me mixed. As much as I love these characters… can I suddenly accept a big change in the writing after 6 years of reading them a certain way? I don’t know if I can. I’m going to give Willingham and Sturges a chance, but they don’t have the best Super Hero track record. On the other hand, they do great ensemble books.

    Still, this issue was fantastic. Heartwarming, sweet and above all very classy. Thank you, Mr. Johns for your time on this book and what you have done for these characters. 

  20. This was a great issue for returning to the caliber of writing that was IMO absent from the Black Adam storyline.  The art was also fantastic compared to the previous the previous arcs.

  21. This was a really great, fun issue, and a good wrap up to what’s been an all-around fantastic run. Can’t wait for what happens next.

  22. @boostergold4 Ordway IS a great artist, and I think most reasonable comic readers understand that (Not saying you have to like him, but one would be completely ignorant to dismiss his work outright).  One persons incessant droning opinion does not a majority make.  His work on Infinity Inc. and the All Star Squadron in the 80’s is hall of fame material, and his inking of George Perez on Crisis on Infinite Earths is up there with the greatest art teams of all time like Adams/Giordano, Kirby/Simon, and Swan/Anderson. 

     Not to mention his run on Power of Shazam is, in my opinion, one of the most enjoyable comic series in the past 20 years and easily the best take on the character outside of the JSA in that same time.   Having said all of that, the inker on Jerrys work in the last couple issues did not do him justice and I urge people to seek out some of Ordways other work to see him done well.  Even his JSA issues before the Black Adam storyline were much better.

  23. @Hawkboy Thank you for that. Don’t forget his fill-in art on Issue 12 of COIE. 

  24. Forgot to say, Jay Garrick reminded me of Charlton Heston to me in this issue, which makes complete sense the more I think about it.

  25. man, if you had those three covers as an over sized poster which you than placed above your bed you would never get laid again. even if you were married to a blind woman.


    it’s funny, i imagined Wildcat and his son sound like Frank and Mac from It’s Always Sunny in Phily

  26. @edward-  I guess starman would sound like charlie then.

  27. I hope they sell a poster of this cover. Ordway is the man. I loved his All-Star Squadron work.

  28. @hoshigaki Oh man… that’s brilliant now I can’t get that out of my head! "Starman! Fighter of the Nightman!"

  29. @Hoshigaki and PraxJarvin: ha ha. that would be awesome

  30. Really enjoyable stuff and a lovely little send off for this creative team, but in particular for Johns.  Reminded me especially of the Starman christmas issue from about 10 or 12 years ago with Yeowell pencils.  Some great character beats and filled with genuine affection for the book and the heroes that populate it.

  31. But would it have killed them to have made it a gatefold cover, the way the picture was clearly designed?

  32. This was definitely POTW worthy and it is my pick this week.

    Just a great send off for the perfect team on this title. I am going to miss Johns and Eaglesham on this book. Especially since I dont think anyone can write Starman like Johns could.

  33. @odare77: Yes. The whole point of multiple covers is to get you to buy more than one.

  34. For Free Comic Book Day, my store was making people buy something in order to get the free books.  I picked this up simply because it was pick of the week and it almost became my pick, even without having ever read another issue from the run.  Shows just how good of a story it is.  I think I might have to go hunt down the trades now.

  35. Wow, this issue was corny as hell lol. But, great run by Johns, I’ll miss reading his JSA.

    "Everyone like ice-cream."

  36. aww…no billy batson. dammit

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