Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.9%


Tork11/06/08NoRead Review
Templar11/06/08YesRead Review
TheNextChampion11/05/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. God, it sucks waiting for this in trade.  It looks so good!!

  2. Last issue was a bit of a downer, the art was very inconsistant.

    Still Part 88 of this arc sounds intriguing, especially if Starman is a big part of the issue. Cant wait.

  3. This book has been very good.  I just hope all the Earth-Two characters don’t make it hard to follow.

  4. Ah, good.  This book didn’t have nearly enough characters.

  5. @Templar Yeah, I think pretty much everyone is hoping for a team up between the JSA, Justice Society Infinity and the Legion of Three Worlds.

  6. @Neal: Oh come on, you know Johns could write literally 1,000 characters and still make us care. It would have to be one character per panel though. Cause I’m sure artists will just quit after the first page….Except for George Perez, that guy is faster then someone from child labor.

  7. Hey, I don’t think Johns can’t write a lot of characters, but there ARE a lot of characters.  That’s all.

  8. It warms my heart that this is the highest pulled book

  9. @ neal i would love that team-up. three legions and 2 jsa’s? count me in!

  10. I was always a big fan of the earth 2 characters and I am stoked to see them returning!!! I loved the old All Star Squadron and original Infinity Inc.  I am hoping that some of these characters remain in our universe or maybe Johns could do another book with just this world’s JSA!!!

  11. Just saw preview pages for this and this looks good. I’m sure Johns will make this fight interesting.

    There’s a joke about how JSA members are getting themselves confused on who’s who. 🙂

  12. I just hope this issue has lots of characters, a giant God & maybe a monkey.

  13. How weak is this week if this book is getting the most pulls?  I am not knocking the book, I am just pointing out that a book that generally isn’t in the top 20 in sales is getting the most pulls.

    I think it is in the best interest of the big two to have a reasonably steady stream of books from week to week.  These fluctuations don’t help build the desire to consistently make the Wednesday visit among new readers.  There are a number of new readers at my local shop who simply have no reason to stop by today because they won’t be buying any of the 6 truely mainstream books that are coming out this week.  This is not how you build a customer base.  Management on both sides need a solid lesson in how to run a business that depends on addiction (for lack of a better word).  Look at the cigarette industry.  Does Marlboro ship random types of cigarettes from week to week or do they keep a steady stream coming so smokers will always have something available when they go to the store?

  14. Possible spoiler:

    So… whatever happened with the whole gog thing (I saw the teaser for the coming issues, but I didn’t expect him to be completely absent)?  This was approximately half of what I was expecting in this issue.

  15. I dont know if its that this arc has taken so long or that this was a weak issue but…..I’m getting really bored with this title now. Again it’s better then a lot of what DC usually gives us, but I was bored to tears in the middle of this.

    Also, why the hell did Johns thought it was a good idea to have two seperate artists and inkers for this? I know we need to have a distinction between the Earth Prime and Earth-2 characters, but we didnt need to hire Jerry Ordway and a new inker to do this. Eaglestram I’m sure would’ve done something better then making my eyes hurt like Ordway did. Please let this arc end soon!

  16. I don’t get my books until tomorrow, so I guess the big question is: was the monkey in this issue?

  17. I agree with most of the negative points everyone has brought up, but I still loved this issue.

  18. @TheNextChampion – I believe Ordway was brought on because he was the original artist on some of this back in the day (don’t you just love that phrase).  I didn’t mind his work.  It stood out, as I think it was meant to.  Sorry to hear it bugged you.  I think we are past the Earth2 material for the most part and can move on to more "Gog" related material.  Hopefully, focusing on one storyline will help this title return to its former glory.

    @WadeWilson – I don’t recall seeing the monkey, but I wasn’t really looking for him/her/it.

  19. This was surprisingly bad.

  20. I liked this a lot. Even though this story is dragging, even though there are a lot of characters who I think deserve more time and development, this is still a book I like a hell of a lot. I hope the next four weeks with all the specials and the next issue that this arc will really come together, so that we can see that the build up was worth it.

  21. Johns wrote a book that wasn’t awesome?? Huh?? This wasn’t good at all,  I wasn’t a fan of the old school art, there was too much time spent on characters I have no idea (or interest) about, & just when you think Power Girl’s origin can’t get more confusing … it can! And like someoe already said: what about Gog? Isn’t this story about Gog?? AND the monkey wasn’t even in it! Pretty dissapointing overall (for me). The question asked on the last page is pretty interesting, though …

  22. Is anyone missing the old Starman? I mean I like it he is kind of a genius now….but I miss the sloppy joe eating Starman I’ve grown to love.

  23. I thought this issue was as good as any of the previous few. Yes, the storyline’s going on a bit too long but I enjoy the multiple-Earth stuff and I think Power Girl is an interesting character. I have no problem with Johns diverting from the main Gog storyline for an issue to focus more on character development.

  24. @TNG — I miss him too, but I’m guessing he will be back when the Gog story is done & he takes all his "gifts" with him. Pretty-boy Damage won’t be happy if this is how it goes down.

  25. Oops — @TNC**

  26. I just love the Earth-2 Heroes! It is nice to have a little reminder about good old Infinity Inc days. I wish there could be a what if JSI book…. Or just a new All Star Squadron book or tales of JSA set in the 40’s. That would be so good.

  27. this issue felt kinda "meh" not bad, but not particularly good either. though i liked the reveal about Starman’s suit being a map of the multiverse.

    @mitchster: I’d be down for a JSA book set in the 40’s. they could do it kind of like a prequel to "The Golden Age"

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