Comic Books
• The epic, full-length conclusion to “THRONE OF ATLANTIS” hits as Aquaman and the League make a sinister discovery that changes both the outcome of the war and the future of the Justice League!
• What is THE GRID—and what does it mean to expanding the Justice League?
Story by Geoff JohnsArt by Ivan Reis, Paul Pelletier, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, & Sean Parsons
Colors by Rod Reis & Nathan Eyring
Letters by Nick J. Napolitano
Cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Rod Reis, Steve Skroce, & Alex Sinclair
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.3%
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CPTAlgonquin17 | 02/20/13 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.2
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Could it be true? The Arrow banner is gone!! Woot!
Banner War is gonna be the big DC Summer Event. The heroes and villains will band together to vanquish stupid banners forever!
This has been a fun, compact little crossover, should be interesting to see how this & JLA interact in the future.
Trinity War.
Not really sure if I’m up to continue this series pass the crossover. Will probably give at least one more issue a shot if anything.
Will I be able to read this after the cross over? Jumped off when Atlantis started
That cover is epic. This crossover has been perfect and I look forward to a lot of great JL stories. Johns is the man.
This book is consistently good IMO. I always love the art and the story. Really can’t wait for Trinity War.
fucking love this book.
just so damn fun.
miss hal though.
I miss Hal too. I liked him in JL more than in the GL book. Hopefully he’ll be back soon.
i think he comes back to main GL on issue 20.
but i miss the buddy dynamic with barry here
On the fence with this. I honestly don’t remember what happened last issue.
best jl story so far, missed flash and gl but aquaman was awesome
This was a blast! It took over a year and two titles, but Geoff Johns finally made me care about Aquaman. Stellar issue.
I agree totally. I enjoyed this crossover and I’m glad I’ve stuck with Aquaman. This was an excellent end to the crossover. It’s nice to see Arthur getting some props and being well written these days. I have been hot and cold lately about the JL but this story has got me stoked for them. Loved it.
This was so awesome!
What a fantastic ending for a mediocre crossover. Seriously, this was the best of the mini-event and Ivan Reis just absolutely killed it. So many splash pages and pin-ups it made my head spin. Even with the various inkers and fill-ins by Paul Pelletier didn’t hamper this for me. I was torn on whether I wanted to keep reading this after the crossover but if Reis is sticking around I’ll keep by. Heck, I want to see why the hell Batman is looking at supervillains to join the Justice League!
I think that page is split into 3 different scenes. One where Steve Trevor is talking to Amanda Waller, one with Batman saying they need to expand the Justice League and the other one with an unknown supervillain looking at the pictures of the supervillains. I don’t think Batman would be happy with Scarecrow and Cheetah on the team, lol.
This is what events should be like. Epic but manageable. It’s been only, what, 6 issues across 2 books?
Unless you count those creatures from “The Trench”. Then it goes all the way back to Aquaman #1.
Hopefully new members the reader the opportunity to explore new characters in depth beyond the core group.
I am so happy with “Throne of Atlantis;” the whole thing was just very well done: not too long, not too short, great art, well developed characters, and a rocking conclusion. This arc has given me back that shred of my soul that “Death of the Family” took away LOL!
Please check my mini-review here:
Comments and feedback are always welcome!
This is so embarrassing… the correct link is
With this Issue, I bid a sad farewell to ‘Justice League’.
I’ve been buying this book since Issue 1 last September, but the cover price is simply too hefty to bear. When it came to lightening the load, its the obvious choice, sadly. Rather than get dragged into ‘Trinity War’ and end up buying too many books just to cover the story, I’ve seriously scaled back my monthly books. ‘Batwing’ went a couple months ago and this month saw both my last edition of ‘Earth 2’ and now my final ‘Justice League’…
However, I’m glad to say that this issue did not disappoint and that the ‘Throne of Atlantis’ has been the highest point since Jim Lee drew Darkseid smashing his way through splash page after splash page at the very dawning of the new status quo. This sort of story plays to Geoff Johns’ strengths as a writer and Ivan Reis is arguably the best pure superhero artist working today. On top of that, the story moved both the characters and their relationships forward and the battle scenes were genuinely jaw-dropping.
At the end of the issue, I was sad that I couldn’t follow Arthur’s story, but then I remembered that I’m still buying Aquaman and so became very excited for the next issue of that one!
Phenomenal! This is everything JL should be. Johns and Reis are masters of the art.
I feel as though with the Atlantis cross-over, this series is finally living up to expectations. I found the issues strong on both story and art. I was particulary impressed at the emotional heft given to Aquaman’s departure at the end. If my budget allows, I’ll be sticking around next month to see what’s next. Also might jump back on to Aquaman as well (I dropped it around issue 8 for money reasons).
I am so tired of the Atlantis storyline. But the gorgeous art by Reis made this worth pulling.
Very cool conclusion to the crossover. I’m really getting excited to see how JL and JLA interact in the future, especially during Trinity War.