Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 37.0%


TehDave11/14/08NoRead Review
DemonBoy11/13/08YesRead Review
Ruo2111/13/08YesRead Review
Templar11/12/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. The "written by Alex Ross" gives me pause, but I’ll check it out.

  2. Yeah, I’ve never been a big fan of his writing either.  He has grand ideas, but seems to need someone to rein him in.

  3. At least it’s double-sized.  I was initially peeved about the $3.99 price tag.

  4. A story written by Alex Ross? Meh….

    An issue drawn entirely by Ross? HELLS YES!!!!

    Shame about the price though…,.plus JSA has moved a snails pace lately so I’m not sure if I am buying this.

  5. Boooooo! I see a bad trend in comics splintering off into multiple one offs and minis whenever a story gets really good. This is the 90s equivalent of the gold embossed covers. JSA has been going so strong and now I feel like I’ve been scammed.

  6. This cover looks like a game of ‘Duck-Duck-Goose’ gone terribly wrong.

    Superman 22: /walks around circle of Earth 1 heroes – "Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck…Duck"

    Superman 22: /arrives at Superman 1 and engages with choke hold – "GGGGOOOOOSSSSSSSSSE"

  7. I’m going to get this.  But DC needs to ease up on the one-shots. 

  8. Looking forward to this. I believe the one-shots are being done because they’re really not so much about the storyline of "One Nation, Under Gog" but fleshing out smaller bits of the background. Think of them as similar to the four one-shots during the Sinestro Corps War. (Though, two of them are arguably very important to the story and should be collected in the Sinsestro Corps trades and not in a third, separate volume.)

  9. @PraxJarvin – If these turn out to be even remotely as good as the Sinestro Corps War one-shots I will eat your avatar’s hat.

    I hope they are that good, but I don’t expect them to be.

  10. my prediction, this will be pick of the week…

  11. he wrote it too! awesome

  12. I was browsing at this while I was at the comic book shop but it looked like I would’ve have been a regular reader of Justice Society to know what the hell was going on here!!  And I’m not, I’ll stick with the Batman books this week.  There is plenty of them: Superman & Batman vs. Vampires & Werewolves, Batman Confindential, Detective, Nightwing, and the Kevin Smith one I decided to grab just because I still had a few bucks in hand.  Go Batman, GO!!

  13. @robbydzwonar Actually this reads nicely without much prior knowledge of the JSA.  I’ve never read an issue before this one.  I picked it up because I’m intrigued by the Kingdom Come Superman.  It had a good story and the art was great.  I’m definitely picking up the Magog book.

  14. I did not fall for the hype

  15. I’m mostly interested because of what is going on in JSA, less so that this is Alex Ross writing.  I really need to pic me up some comic books.

  16. My shop sold out before I got there.  Online ordering looks better and better every week.

  17. You know I wanted to pick this up, with me being a uberly sick Alex Ross fan….But I just felt that I wasnt going to get much out of this other then a weird attempt to connect Kingdom Come to this series. Just quickly flipping threw this it felt that way, hopefully this comes in trade format with the two other one-shots.

    (The stuff I did see though, god they looked gorgeous)

  18. None of you missed much.  This was pretty as hell, but very poorly constructed (as far as stories go). 

     He’s a wonderful painter, but I’ll be happy when his clout has shrunk to the point that he can’t get these vanity projects published anymore.  

  19. Some spoilers

    So about 1/5 of the actual panels appear to be literally copied from Kingdom Come (or at least it looks that way to me) and about 1/5 of the actual pages of the issue are sketches and commentary I could do without.  I am assuming they had to charge $4 to cover Ross’s fees, so they shoved that filler in to help us feel like we got our money’s worth.

    I gave this a 4 because, despite what I said above, the book is beautiful (shocker) and the interaction with this Earth’s Norman McCay and KC Supes telling our Lois about his Lois felt very "real" to me.  I could imagine those conversations happening in real like (ignoring the fact that one of the participants is a superpowered alien).

    This is the contribution to KC’s storyline that we were promised when they brough KC Supes into JSA (acronyms can be fun).

  20. I thought it was pretty solid–like the Superman/Cyclone stuff.

  21. I ended up out by the comic book store last night so I decided to pick this one up since they only had two copies of it left.  I was absolutely amazed by the art, it blew me away!  The story was okay, I guess?  Not enough action, but still interesting in a way.  I might check out the follow up if it doesn’t get pushed back enough times for me to just lose interest in it…

  22. I tought the art was amazing as well, and this is coming from someone that has grown throoughly sick of Ross’ art over the last few years. I love his pencil style, he should use it much more often, it lends a much sharper feel to the artwork.

  23. I thought this was really good except for my usual beef — the price. I’m happy to pay $3.99 for 40 pages of story (which is what I thought this was) but it was really 23 pages of story, which is basically normal comic size & "bonus" (AKA "who gives a shit") material. I’m boycotting $3.99 regular sized comics, so this one snuck under my radar … but, after all that crying, as a HUGE Kingdom Come fan — it was pretty awesome.

  24. I was gypped by the "bonus material" in the back too as I only flicked through the front of the book. That said, I read the extras and found it interesting. 

  25. If you’re reading this I’m already dead. Please tell my children that I love them.

    No… but I’m wastey face. I’ve been searching through previous issues I’ve pulled and this one was amazing.

    Why are you reading through the comments of a one year old comic?

    Ruo21’s easter egg: part one.

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