Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 7.6%


0and1804/22/09NoRead Review
akamuu04/22/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. the whole Invincible world has changed.  Might this be the equivalent to Beths death in TWD. Super stoked! 

  2. i thought the big paradigm shift was in issue 50, when he quit his gov’t job and got a new costume. this thing feels a bit rushed to me – like kirkman didn’t earn this big of an event, he just threw it out there.

    of course, that’s all rather speculative – i’ll withhold final judgment until after reading.

  3. Yeah, the new status quo came out of nowhere, but it looks like it will be interesting.  Kirkman’s definately not afraid to shake shit up

  4. I’ve been stockpiling issues since #50 waiting on the 10th trade damnit!

  5. Most excited this week for Invincible.

  6. its the bits inbetwen that make Invincible my favourite book. so skipping over a lengthy fight to just show the results is fine by me.


  7. @Tiocore-10th trade will be out in 3 weeks, hopefully.  So says the Kirkman

  8. #60 was amazing, hopefully this can match it. 

    Also, the 4th hardcover needs to come out already. Totally annoying. 

  9. Conquest looks awesome. I can not wait to see more of him.

  10. great issue. For a second after invincible’s speech at the end, I was thinking that conquest might take it the wrong way and assume that invincible is well cut-out for this whole earth conquering thing, so no need for an epic, insane fight. Oh, well, I was wrong.

  11. This all kick ass.  Reader expectations of whatever happens next be damned.

    Invincible is supposted to be fun.  And violent.  And earth shattering. 

    THIS is why I stopped waiting for the trades…..and I’m not disappointed.

  12. MOAR!!!!!!

  13. This was really good and I gave it a 5, but it always seems like there is a line or two of dialouge every issue that just makes me cringe because it sounds really awkward.  I think I just might reread the series this summer to see if this is a recent development or if I’m imagining it.

  14. @Spoons

    I think I know what you are talking and it’s a Kirkman-thing. Those lines are in The Walking Dead as well.

  15. @Spoons – What lines are you thinking of?

    Also, this was great, 5 stars for sure. Not sure if it’ll be POTW, but it’s certainly up there. It seems like it’s going to be a good Summer for Invincible fans.

  16. Yeah after the last ten issues or so of mostly focusing on small character development pieces it’c nice to see the book get back to some of the more over arching storylines.

  17. This was great and I can’t wait to see Mark have to tear it up vs Conquest; I’m guessing he’s gonna need his little brother’s help here. I do understand what Spoons is talking about though. I know one of my friends who i recommended TWD to can’t stand some of the dialogue. I just gloss over it because I appreciate the rest of the book.

  18. @Kwisdumb pg. 8 "I’m good bro.  I’m made of solid awesome rock…"  w

                     2nd to last page "I can’t describe the guilt, shame.. and most importantly anger that I feel right now."  

    I think my problem with these kind of lines is that they are really unnceccesary.  Kirkman is a good enough and Ottley is a good enough artist that I, and I think everyone else, are alredy aware that Mark feels like crap and anyone that has ever played Pokemon knows that ground/rock types are highly resistent to lightening.

  19. @ spoons – nice point. that second one especially IS a cringer; i think i glossed over it.


    It’s insane and the craziest part is I can’t help but feel that this comic pull off a bit of Dragon Ball Z and you know what? The ending was so good I’m not even ashamed of the fact that I made that reference. =) Good on Kirk.

    @Spoon: I agree with you on that panel. I kinda censored it out so the ending would be better.

  21. Man, it’s been weeks since I read this and I STILL remember how blown away I was by this ending.

    I wanna see SUPER SAIYA-JIN MARK!!! lol

    Conquest better do something that makes Mark just totally SNAP and somehow reach a new threshold of Viltrumite power. I don’t know if that’s just too cliche or whatever but MAN I wanna see it!!!


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