Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 3.8
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  2. just a reminder, if you’re not reading this, pick up this one and the last two issues. That’s all you need to get into this book. And it’s goddamn awesome. As awesome as Captain Britain. Give this one a shot.

  3. Rafa Sandoval is rockin on this book and the God Squad? There isnt a cooler team out there. This is a must pull book.

  4. I don’t know why more people are giving this a try. Maybe they were disappointed by the switch from the Hulk, but I think it’s just so much better. It’s so quirky that it’s really a delight just to see what’s on the next page. The God Squad, Skrull Robo-Puppies, Shape-shifting Gods of Death, Gods getting freaky, and Amadeus Cho, one of the coolest characters in comics. Why SHOULDN’T you pick up this book?

  5. Agreed–I picked this up recently and have liked it. It’s weird and yet a very classic story

  6. is the puppy a skrull?? o.0 who knows

  7. Did Athena ever handle the dog? Is it possible she pulled a switcheroo?

  8. @NealAppeal You see in this issue where the puppy was switched out. Strangely, however, Cho somehow forgot that he lost consciousness in the tent with the Skrulls.

    I just can’t believe we’re all reading a book about Hercules. It’s deserving, true, but Hercules?

  9. @RipperSix You have Voltron and The Legion of Superheroes on your pull list. How is Hercules any more ridiculous?

  10. This is a great run. This issue, however, is a bit weaker than the two prior issues.


    By the way, I understand RipperSix’s bemusement at loving a Hercules book. Marvel has always portrayed Hercules as a bit of a lovable doofus.

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