Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 10.9%


muddi90009/04/09NoRead Review
AmirCat09/03/09NoRead Review
countblackula09/03/09NoRead Review
akamuu09/01/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. it’s a safe bet this is not ending well for Zack.  the only question is how many people try to screw him over by issue’s end.

  2. Going to read 1-6 this wednesday. Look forward to it.

  3. This has been really, really good. That said, I’m relieved that it’s over, finally. I’m looking forward to having that slot open back up.

    And my gosh, look at that cover! Too awesome.

  4. What a ride it has been.

  5. I’m kind of underwhelmed. I’m looking forward to getting this just so I have all 6 issues as a set so I can trade it in for something else.

    Didn’t turn my crank.

  6. looking forward to this issue

  7. Woohoo!

    The only thing I don’t like is that it’s not really ending here since Bru was talking about continuing it. 

  8. Only downside of this book has been the less than reliable schedule the last few issues. Still, a solid book content-wise. 

  9. Solid mini, but I’ll pass on the sequel.

  10. Hope you all pick up Criminal when the next issue comes out. Also you should get the hardcover collection.

  11. Yay! This means Criminals gonna be back soon!!!………. this was a pretty good book, though.

  12. good not great.  really looking forward to the next Criminal arc

  13. I think I’ll tradewait ICON stuff for now on.  I’m still not even caught up on CRIMINAL yet. 

  14. I’m all for trade waiting, but if too many people trade wait Criminal, it will probably get canceled.

  15. I wish the next issue of Criminal was #18, the renumbering sullies it.  …or perhaps just causes my OCD to flare up.  hard to tell really

  16. @ABirdseysView

    Then you should be happy to know that they’ve abandoned the old numbering systems. Now it’s just going to be series of mini’s. 

  17. my comment was in reaction to the new one being a number 1.  I’d rather it be a continuing series than a series of minis

  18. I think the series of mini’s works better and is more accesible. After all you can read any Criminal story without reading the one before. It just pays off so much more if you do.

     About the end of Incognito, I really, really enjoyed it. That was pretty fucked up. Pick of the week for me so far.

  19. yeah, and I recognize that the numbers don’t really mean anything about story or quality or anything like that.  It’s more the superficial badge of honor.

    and I also did enjoy the end of this story.  anyone else catch the Brubaker cameo on page 1? 

  20. Good ending to a decent series. To be honest, I kind of lost interest after the constant delays and forgot what happened. Like Criminal, I think this will be one of those comics that read better in trade. However I’m still interested in future stories set in this universe.

  21. I started off liking this a lot then I got less into it whith each issue…

  22. I felt the ending was a bit anti-climactic.  I think the bars set to high with Criminal and Sleeper.

  23. I read Incognito #1-6 all in one sitting today. The series went from just alright to pretty good over the course of #1-5, but I always was ready for it to be over with so we could get back to Criminal. Reading it all at once changed my mind. Although I still prefer Criminal, I can’t wait to read the next Incognito series and wont mind it at all when Criminal goes on hiatus again. 5/5

  24. I thought this was a pretty solid way to cap off the first volume. All in all I don’t think this book lived up to the CRIMINAL-related hype around it, but it was still better than most books on the market. I can’t wait to read more. 5/5.

  25. This wrapped up nicely.  In this last issue, the background story really expanded.  I’m looking forward more Incognito in the future.  

  26. Is it going to be done like criminal?

  27. I’m like SKEETS.  When I read 1-5 this weekend and then finally 6, wow, it was a great, great ride.  Just as much as fun as Sleeper and Criminal.  Those books I experienced as the TPBs, so I think the quality of this book really hits its high mark when you can read all the issues together in one sitting.  SKEETS, I’m feeling ya bruda!

  28. What a wonderful comic.

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