Comic Books

HULK #18

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


zombox12/18/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.1
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  1. Ooo secrets! Revealed! Doc Samson! Prologue! How could I not buy this issue?

     Actually, I am interested in seeing Portacio’s art… Curse you Loeb! Curse you!

  2. This is my last issue of this unless the story REALLY entices me for the crossover. Yeah Loeb sucks in many ways, but I’ve been able to appreciate this series for what it was–simple storytelling with overblown cartoony art–but I’ve been looking for an excuse to read fewer books.

  3. Not much happened in the story here.  Just a little bit of background on Doc Samson.  But Portacio’s double splash page of Hulk and Doc Samson was awesome. 

  4. "The Good Doctor is out. The Bad Doctor is in."  Are you kidding me?  Apparently getting loaded going to the comic shop is just as bad as before going grocery shopping.

  5. Didn’t they reveal that Samson is red Hulk in this issue?  They pretty much did.  That guy who wrote on iFanboy that it was Thunderbolt Ross was way off.

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