Comic Books

HULK #11

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


rwpos04/25/09NoRead Review
zombox04/23/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 2.8
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  1. Here, let me start this one up ::ahem::

    "Loeb sucks! He destroyed my life, along with the Ultimate Universe!"

    "Shut up!  Don’t you recognize an old-school smash fest when you see it?!"

    "You shut up!  I bet you’re Jeph Loeb!"

    "I am not Jeph Loeb, I just like to imagine rubbing fine oils over his naked torso."

    –OK, ok, that’s enough–

  2. This actually has less pulls than Incredible Herc. What’s that say??

  3. @FACE: That’s it’s less popular among the iFanboy community than it is with comic readers in general?

  4. @conor – that was meant to be hypothetical in nature with no definitive answer. Damn you and your logic. 

  5. I normally love Ed McGuinness, but that looks like a big green blob not an arm.

  6. He looks like a pile of unripe bananas

  7. yikes

  8. is $3.99 the new price for this? I may have to think twice about keeping this on my pull list.

  9. waiting for this sideshow arc to end so we can get back to the story; it seems like the last two arcs have been fillers.  Weak plots w/ random characters thrown in.  Art was impressive though, but something cartoony about it.  

  10. Isn’t this all the Marvel equivelent of Hush?

    And shouldn’t we all take from that idea exactly what we want from it?

    (There;  a nice, partisan comment)

  11. yea, they raised the price, and yea the book has almost no stakes, but it was just old school Marvel fun, with awesome giant mcguinness splash pages, it’s the comic book equivalant of a michael bay movie, you have a certain expectation for a certain type of entertainment…also, anyone else catch the "my princess acedemy" add next to the page of the two hulks fighting

    what in the sweet fuck was that?  who the fuck approved that advertisement? i doubt anybody reading the hulk is interested in what ever the fuck "my princess academy" is! are you fucking kidding me?

  12. Loved it. Just a fun comic book and thats all.

  13. Just my opinion, but this is not old-school. This is not classic. This is not tongue-in-cheek. This run really is just the equivalent of a creative dump – apparently from the same tainted meal as Ultimate 3 and Ultimatum. The cartoony art suits the moronic tone. $3.99? The most expensive roll of one-ply I’ve ever seen!

  14. Without a doubt, I’m dropping this book after the end of this arc (next issue, I believe). There are far too many other great books out there to keep buying this.

  15. Is it me or are they spelling "YMCA" with their bodies?

  16. @ CHLOP: Ha! Great observation!

    I had to hold off on this book this week. I’m normally not one of those people to bitch about pricing but this was the first week I really noticed Marvel doing the $3.99 on the books. I just think it’s strange that Thor #601, New Avengers #52 & Hulk #11 got the price point since their not anniversary, event, over-sized, etc. Out of the 3 Hulk got the cut and Thor was well worth it!


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