Comic Books
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 11.1%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
BC1 | 04/26/09 | No | Read Review |
Neb | 04/23/09 | No | Read Review |
buffalowhig | 04/23/09 | No | Read Review |
Aquaman | 04/22/09 | Yes | Read Review |
coltrane68 | 04/22/09 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.3
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Wait…I actually LIKE War of Kings…
@AlexG–Yeah, I know… this is crazy. What’s next? DnA are gonna make me like Wildstorm books again? … oh wait, they did.
i know man, this was a total surprise.
After the last two issues, I’m excited to see the team again!
Man, I was cutting back on buying books and sticking to the main mini & Nova for Wark of Kings, but dammit, I love Havok. Not exactly where I was hoping to find him, though.
Love it!
This book is SO SOLID in format/storytelling. Few others could juggle this cast so adeptly.
I’m actually interested in Jack flagg now? Damn you DnA, is there any Z-list character you CAN’T make me care for?
I’m liking this series And I especially like Jack Flagg’s patriotic haircut.
"of course the boots were freer back then…"
Now that was a fucking comic!
Excellent issue! The exchange between Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon had me laughing out loud… priceless!