Comic Books
FLASH FACT! He will stop at nothing to find his lost treasure!
Written by JIMMY PALMIOTTIArt and cover by JOE BENNETT and JOHN DELL
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.3%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
keith7198 | 06/09/11 | No | Read Review |
FamousLastWords | 06/09/11 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.9
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I’m thinking about it. I’ll decide in the store.
Loved his part in Flashpoint 2. I’m shocked I haven’t read any superpowered pirates before! Sounds dumb, actually quite clever…
I’ve heard Jimmy talk about how crazy this is going to be and will likely pick it up just on that.
I was already excited for this but his part in Flashpoint made me want this before
I was going to pass on this until I read Flashpoint 2.
This is one of the only Flashpoint tie ins I’l be picking. I’d buy anything that Palmiotti writes. Joe Bennett’s art doesn’t hurt either.
I pulled this on a whim. The cover looked slick and the interiors looked good too so I bought it. I’m glad I did. I think this is the book I enjoyed the most. Probably my POW. I’ll re-read and decide later.
I saw a pirate, and knew I had to pick this up. Very happy I made that decision.
This was fun. I had forgotten how much I liked Joe Bennett. Really nice interiors here. Deathstroke fits into the role of pirate quite nicely. I actually felt bad for the terminator in the last panel. The guy’s just lookin for his daughter. Jeez.
I like where this is going. It seams like his ship’s crew is a rough form of his Titans crew.
Really enjoyed this and loved the Warlord references.
Joe Bennett’s best stuff since his BoP days.
Thought Deathstroke was like a pre-cog, able to anticipate your every move in a fight, Warlord shouldn’t have been able to chop him like that.
@Franktiger He’s not precog according to this:
@JNewcomb hmm, ok, but The New Teen Titans books were what defined the character to me, and somehow I remember that from those, maybe I’m talking about his enhanced reflexes. Surprisingly good stuff by Wikipedia btw.
Of all the Flashpoint titles this week, I was least interested in this one and almost passed it up. Boy, am I glad I didn’t. This was great! I will definitely pick up the rest. Although I kept reading Deathstroke’s dialogue in Geoffrey Rush’s “Pirates…” voice, which actually made it more fun (try it, I dare you). 5/5