The original Captain Boomerang returns as BRIGHTEST DAY continues. Meanwhile, Barry must prove his innocence to the Renegades, cops from the 25th century. Discover what connection they have to the Rogues and what travesties have occurred in the future.
Written by GEOFF JOHNSArt and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
Variant cover by scott kolins
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 19.9%
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SilverAgeTom | 07/29/10 | No | Read Review |
Neb | 07/28/10 | No | Read Review |
TheNextChampion | 07/28/10 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.5
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So is Manapul done by issue #6 or is Kolins just doing an issue in the future?
I got the impression Kolins was doing a fill-in to give Manaul some breating room. I think the Kolin’s story is a villian spot light or something. I never read Kolin’s previous run but I understand he is a master of the rogues.
This is my favourite series at the moment, I’d hate for something to change and risk loosing the magic.
I like that it comes out the same week as GL now, it’s like a Brave & the Bold team-up.
Geoff Johns is writing a fun Flash, but without Manapaul I am not so certain I keep buying. Maybe another artist I find as interesting would keep my going (Kolins, while not bad, is not that guy).
@JimBilly4 – your right about Kolins
Looking forward to this book. Soooooo good.
@NextChamp Clam down there, chicken little. Kollins is going to be doing the villain spotlight issue. They were a hallmark of Johns previous run on the book and gave Kollins time off between arcs. You’ve been acting as if this is set in stone and you’re basing this off of a single solicit.
this seems to be coming out faster than issue #3 did. Thats a good thing. Anybody know how long this first story arc is supposed to last?
@Prax: Considering I’ve never read his original Flash run in issues, I wouldn’t have known that.
I didn’t like Kollins on the Flash Fact issue.
@wally: I believe this arc ends after issue 6. Issue 7 is drawn by Kolins. I think they are setting these two artists up to have sort of a rotation on the book. I really liked Kolins on the Blackest Night: Flash mini, and his work on this ongoing has been pretty solid so far. I just hope Manapul is the main guy for a while longer.
I feel like the only thing keeping me on this book is Manapul’s art. The story doesn’t grab me at all. I want to like this book more, but I might just have to go to trades
@TNC-Then maybe you SHOULD read them, you ignorant jerk!
I’ve really been enjoying the story so far.
It’s great that this book is the most pulled book here!
@jaque–good to know. 6 issues is a good enough sample for me to see how i feel about the series going forward. Its been a fun book so far albeit it reads very fast (no pun intended) for me. Interesting to see how it plays out….
I just read my trade of the Flash Rebirth and I think I’ve pinpointed what I’m missing from this series. It didn’t pick up any of the plot points from that it just started a new story when those things with Gorilla City and with Alla-Whatever-his-name-is where what I was excited about.
Still getting it but I now actually remember why.
@Minion: I’m sure Johns will get to most if not all of that stuff eventually. He did similar things with Green Lantern, planting a bunch of stuff in Rebirth and not giving the payoff until much, much later.
It reads extremely fast. I think I finish each issue in less than five minutes.
I’m having a blast reading this comic. The first two were ok, but for some reason that third one I absolutely loved, and I’ve come to the conclusion is was just really fun.
@RustyAutoParts I know I read Green Lantern in Trades just recently so I got to see it all play out at once and didn’t have to wait like I am having to now with Flash. So I know how Johns works its just annoying having to wait after having that experience of having the story all at once.
At SDCC Manupal said that he was on the book at least until about #12, so we’ll see what happens after that. I agree if he leaves, DC will have a difficult task in finding an artist with a similar feel. Flash is a book that requires a certain kinetic style that few artists can deliver. I love that this is the book with the highest number of pulls this week because it really is a great series. On a related note, Johns announced Flash: Speed Force this weekend at SDCC. The book sounds like it will be similar to Green Lantern Corps, in that it will be a book where the other characters can shine.
I’m ecited to see Kolins on this book! Every time I think of the Rogues, it’s the Kolins design that I think of. When I saw his pages in the Flash: secret files and origins I made an gasp of excitement and I was bouncing up and down when I realized it was his art (the coloring threw me off). Any time Kolins draws the Rogues up close is a win in my book.
I don’t know about you guys but I’m getting pretty bored with this story. Nothing is just exciting about this book…..except for the great Manapul art. Even this issue though had problems, mainly from the coloring department. I don’t know, but if this arc can’t grab me by the end I might trade wait in the future.
My favorite issue yet. I finally felt like it had some substance to it rather than just Flash (pun was so not intended, but now it totally is).
This is a great book! When and if manapul leaves I will be very sad the only other artist I feel could be in the same league would be two guys I’m pretty sure are marvel exclusives marcos Martin and Paulo Rivera
Fantastic Fun.
Flash Fact.
Fun. Finally get some answers to why this is all happening. Plus pretty art.
Great Manapul art…the action is really easy to follow. The story is really picking up. My POTW.
Best issue of the series so far.
Manapul’s art is great and the writing is excellent as well, but I’m also really enjoying the lettering in this book, and I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve ever said that. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it before in any book but the style they’re using here is great and it fits the feel of the book.
The stiffest issue yet.
Man, that spread was stiff.
@TNC I agree with you. Part of my problem with the book is that it doesn’t feel like a Barry Allen Flash book. It feels like it is a Wally West book only now he is a scientist in stead of just a Superhero or a Mechanic. I just wish this had a different feel. While I don’t have much experience with Barry I have a ton with Wally and I wonder why they went in this direction. Instead of writing Barry as he was or making him different from Wally they made him the same as Wally hoping people wouldn’t notice. Am I seriously the only one to notice?
@DamonS23: Yeah, they’re going for a generic Flash character, it seems.
@DamonS23/NathanNicdao: Actually that’s a really good point. I really find this to be a generic take on Barry. Heck I’ve never really read a comic with Barry so I would like to have more connection with him.
Even the scenes with him and Iris doesn’t feel right. It really could be anyone in the costume at this point. Again it’s not a
badly written issue as a whole. But it just feels like Johns isn’t taking the steps to make his take on Barry unique.
@NathanNicdao @TNC Here is the scary part, if Barry is acting like Wally what is Wally going to act like when he returns to a book? Are they going to completely change his character to compensate for the change to Barry?
@DamonS23: as long as the character is interesting, I don’t see how that won’t be good enough. There must be a change since one of his children became Impulse.
@NathanNicdao But the problem is instead of changing the character we don’t really know they are going to change the character we do! The Daddy Flash stuff is boring there is a reason why Barry came back.
Maybe that’s why the other book smells like "family"
For a second issue in a row it is 20 pages of Manpaul art, followed by two pages of Flash Facts. I suppose if it helps Manapaul get his stuff out on time… Still, with the use of a lot of two page splashes and generally spreading out the action, not much happens every issue. I may consider switching to trade after this arc because I bet it will pace so much better in a longer format.