Price: $13.95
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.7%


Neb02/23/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.8
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  1. I’m way into this book after hearing it pimped on the show for a while.  Got the first trades last month and I’ve been itching for this one.

  2. I am more excited for this than I am for any single comic book.

  3. I had no idea this was coming out this week.  Sweet!

    Although, on a sour note, it just joins the stack of a bagillion trades that I need to read. 

    But, I’m still excited none the less.

  4. I just checked Dark Horse’s website, and they say that this isn’t coming out until March 12th.  Is this a case of a misprint or a book moving foward?  I guess we’ll find out on Wednesday!

  5. Avatar photo PymSlap (@alaska_nebraska) says:

    FUCK YEAH!!! I HAVEN’T BEEN ABLE TO LOG-IN FOR OVER A WEEK, BUT I finally remembered my password.


    There will be so many aliens in this tpb. I can’t wait! 

  6. @conor, are you reading this in trade only?  Also, TONY MOORE ON ART! A great cover, too: http://images.darkhorse.com/covers/14/14539.jpg

  7. Nice, I’ve been itching for more Fear Agent!

  8. So, is this volume 3?

  9. @Neb – Darkhorse’s website has this coming out bext week but Diamond has it as this week, so we’ll see.

    @Simps – Yep, trade only on this.

    @nroa – Volume 3, indeed.

  10. Dark Horse’s site is notoriously bad about their shipping date listings.  Ususally books come out a few weeks before listed on the site.

  11. It appears that Darkhorse might have been correct this time.  My store didn’t have it.

    Anyone else’s store get it?


  12. Haven’t been to the store yet (damn you work!), but amazon lists it as March 12, 2008 release.

  13. That sucks.  I read Fear Agent in issues, and this is a great story.  Loved the ending.  I haven’t checked any stores yet, but hopefully if it isn’t out this week, it will be next week, and not 3 weeks like Amazon lists.

  14. It was in my store, I’m looking at it right now.  

  15. I got it in Los Angeles.

  16. Got this book and YEAAAAAAAAAAA

    Love Fear agent reading it only in trades it’s been killing me to get this book.

  17. @Conor- Sucks to be you! 🙂  Maybe another store in New York got it?

    My store had this book too!  It’s just too bad I have so much else to read through, they I’m going to try and read this over the weekend. 

  18. This book was soooo good.

    Love Remender. 

  19. I picked tghis up at Isotope this pack weekend.  They themselves only got half their shipment.  My thoughts soon.

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