Comic Books
Meet The Wrath! In Gotham City, he’s the anti-Batman, and the body count is about to shoot through the roof!
And in the backup story, Man-Bat makes a startling discovery!
Written by John LaymanArt by Jason Fabok & Andy Clarke
Cover by Jason Fabok
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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I never pull this comic, but as a guy who remembers the original Wrath from the 1984 Batman Special, I’m curious to see what this one is like.
The cover is amazing! Great colours. Too me the Detective Comics has been consistently great, so I’m looking forward to this issue again.
I keep waiting for Layman to impress me but I always feel let down by his stories. Fabok’s art is great and the Wrath looks cool, but I’m afraid this might just be another bland Bat-story.
The new colorist used a dark and muddy palette. I didn’t really care for it. Hopefully, Jeromy Cox isn’t off the book permanently.
I have been pretty disappointed with this series. I like the Man-Bat back up story, but I think as a whole, IMO its been pretty average. However the collector in me won’t let me drop this or Action Comics from my pull list. Even though I’m sure there are better Batman/Superman books I’ve never read that I could catch up on, and far better non DC weekly single issues to spend my money on.
Time for a change of plan.
I agree with you completely. There are better DC back issues out there. I’ve cut out some of these bland titles DC has these days and have been reading some TPBs and older stuff I hadn’t gotten around to yet, and I’m glad I did. I encourage you to follow through on your new plan.
There are some good DC books these days, but Batman doesn’t need 8 titles if half of them are going to be uninspired.
“There are some good DC books these days, but Batman doesn’t need 8 titles if half of them are going to be uninspired.”
So true.
And we can replace “Batman” with” Avengers”, “Superman”,”X-Men”, Spider-Man”, etc.
Back issues and TPBs/collections sales are doing pretty well right now, maybe due to all the re-vamping going on.
This book wasn’t a letdown at all. Great start of a new story. I agree DC might have too much titles out, but Detective Comics is really adding something to the overall Batman-experience. 🙂
This issue was pretty good. I think I am enjoying the Man-Bat backup stories more than the actual Batman stories though.