Comic Books
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.6%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
cubman987 | 11/23/09 | Yes | Read Review |
odare77 | 11/20/09 | Yes | Read Review |
changingshades | 11/19/09 | Yes | Read Review |
AmirCat | 11/19/09 | No | Read Review |
JimBilly4 | 11/19/09 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.8
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That cover is awesome.
So the only Dark Reign I’ve read is American Son, the second half of World’s Most Wanted, and first 5 or so issues of Dark Avengers. That being said, if I’m reading ASM regularly and plan to jump on board for Siege, how important do you think this will be?
@slockhart given the history of the characters this will probably be the only List, besides the Punisher, that will actually matter
I realize that this is the ASM post, but the Daredevil’s the List mattered and really enjoyed the place it put the character. I am also really looking forward to this one to see where it leaves Spider-Man and think it will be important to the overall story of the Seige.
@forestjwp I think Daredevil mattered more to him than to the overall Dark Reign storyline
They’re saving the best for last? The best "List" story so far has been "DR List Avengers" by a long shot. We’ll see if this tops it.
This’ll by first ‘the list’ comic, but as discussed above, it will no doubt be important.
I think the DD, Avengers, and Punisher issues have all been 4 or 5 star books. The List has really been a pleasant surprise
Here we go with the ton of $3.99 books all getting piled on in the same week again!! UGGHH
Wouldnt it be cool if spiderman got shreded up like the punisher? then we would be getting spider-stein!
Kubert art! Sold!
Yeah, Kubert and Slott are getting me to pick this up
Kubert art is always welcome but man, I think this is gonna be great.
Not really a fan of Kubert per se, but I am thinking this is going to be a good one:)
I don’t think they said they are saving the best for last, they are saying Norman saved the best item on his list (for him) for last….apparently Norman Osborn and Spider-man have some sort of history….
@cubman987: Apparently
I don’t know what to read first this week, this or ASM?
I’m still skeptical about this mattering, but you guys have convinced me to try it.
I’m sure it doesn’t matter since they are being released the same week, but if it does for some reason matter I’m sure someone will post it on one of these boards.
I’d say that in just in case The List affects ASM, to read List first considering this week starts an ASM arc that’s going through at least February. I can’t really see them having other books messing with that, especially not one issue in.
@stockhart: I didn’t even think about that. Good thinking.
Spider-man vs Norman Osborn! Bring it on!
not sure what the point of this is but I’m down
Just read them both, does not matter at all which order you read them in.
Ugh – the second half of this is just a re-print from _the Pulse_ – what wasted space …. at least give me some classic spidey for a reprint, not something that just happened a few years back.
As convincing as you guys were for me to get this, one quick flip through convinced me otherwise.
wow…i was really excited to get this and read it today while waiting another week for my DCBS shipment, but it left me really dissapointed.
when i first saw the list checklist and saw that this was the last one, it really got me amped. thinking maybe spidey would kill norman and it would both end dark reign and completely change the peter parker character. I had mixed feelings about my prediction, but had faith that with Slott writing this, no matter what happened it would be great.
after reading i think differently. ASM is currently my favorite marvel title im following and i really expected more from this. I’m hoping that upon a reread i will enjoy this more and feel like my $4 was better spent than originally thought.
meh. kind of anti-climatic. Wasn’t too impressed. The Kubert art was good though. It’s going to be awesome when someone finally beats the fuck out of Osborn.
I liked this. It was better than ASM this week.
I don’t really follow ASM aside from his stories in New Avengers, but really this was not as good as it was hyped up to be. It being the last issue of the The List storylines I was expecting something a lot better. The Punisher and Daredevil stories were my favourite "list" stories by far.
Daredevil the list over this? That one was not good. Bullseye bombing people. Why? he’s suppossed to be Hawkeye now.
Osborn let him "off the leash" for that one. That was kind of the whole point of The List series. Osborn lets his villains be villains to get revenge and move his agenda forward. Having said that I think I liked this better than Daredevil, but then I like Spider-man better than Daredevil.
Change ASM to Dan Slott and Adam Kubert once a month and you will have an AMAZING Spider-man book, very month. This was better than any other issue of Spider-man in it new Status Quo.
The art was great, and the story was meanfully enoguh to count. I figured Spider-man would lose because there was no way Norman was going down this month, but Peter won, even though it wasn’t a big win. It counts.
@KickAss – Well if you follow Dark Avengers you get the message that Bullseye is only Hawkeye in namesake alone and the intentions for all the Dark Avenger villians disguised as heroes is supposed to be a mockery of sorts to their legacy. So you would understand Bullseye still and always will be Bullseye despite what uniform he wears. I think the main reason I liked Punisher and Daredevil over ASM is because of the way the writers left room for the story to progress and matter more than ASM.
Spider-Man does not really get a chance to shine but Peter Parker does. Why this wasn’t an issue of the regular book I don’t know, but it was a fun story where Peter has a victory, but it ends with the classic Peter Parker luck. The Art by Kubert is stunning.
The is the like the first Spider-Man issue of something I have read in years and enjoyed.
But I like the including of The Pulse issue where Osbourne knows Parker and Spider-Man are one in the same. I hope that confuses people.