Comic Books
CHEW #14
Cibopath showdown!
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 18.8%
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TheNextChampion | 09/29/10 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.6
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Aw yeah!
Savoy Ahoy!
love guillory’s art, chew FTW
How can this be my ONLY pull this week? At least I know this has never let me down.
Finally! No where on any comic site had this solicitated anywhere. For some reason Image seemed to get this issue and #15 lost in the shuffle. But I’m glad we’re getting this issue now. Should be a lot of fun.
@HailScott: I’m in the same boat man. I was suppose to have like, 8 titles this week. But there have been so many delays that it has destroyed my comic schedule.
@HailScott- Yup.
I actually sent the creators an email with a particularly cute picture of my cat and a ‘thank you’ letter. Here’s hoping I get in there at some point.
One of the best ongoing books.
Love it. This will be the first book I read Wednesday.
I love this comic more than I love pizza.
Long live CHEW
Great issue as always. A bit slower, since it looks like Layman is introducing some more mystery and character development instead of fast action. But it was still a lot of fun to read. The art by Guillory? Just gorgeous as always. Can’t expect much else from the duo anymore then just ‘fantastic’.
Had a light week and decided to finally give this a shot. I don’t see how I can’t keep reading.
i just wanna point out some of my favorite parts of this book, the background jokes
1. Jewelry, So shiney she’ll look past your personality, PROMISE!
2.Important: Files-NOT Porn
My favorite background joke was the guy getting robbed while Chu was checking out the diamond.
@Evangelion/NawidA: You see, I did all of this hard work in a review to point out hidden jokes and you guys mention even ‘Hiddener’ (it’s a word now!) jokes. Can’t believe I missed those…
God damn, Guillory’s art is getting even better than before. On of the few artists whose work I just want to sit and admire for a while.
POTW again for me. Chew is the Undertaker of my POTWs. It’s been POTW ever since the 3rd issue.
I was pretty sure after the "undercover" issue that i was done with Chew. Not that it’s been bad, just that I "get it" and feel I can move on. However, this issue is making me turn around on that. I realize how much I would miss the book if I were to drop it. This one seemed really short though.
This is a chew filled week. Chew #14 rocked.. And i received my Original Artwork from Chew #10 pg 13
@MrPopular – Nice page. Lots of characters and some action. I recently bought the second to last page with Amelia and Tony at the desk with hearts around him. That’s my first piece of OA, but I’m wanting more Chew OA.
where r u guys getting this Original art from?
@evangelion11: Email for an OA price list 🙂
It was 20 pages, instead of the usual 22. We’re getting those pages and more back in the next issue though.