Comic Books


Artist Amy Reeder and inker Richard Friend join the Batwoman team with this new arc, as the epic “To Drown the World” begins!

Six lives, inextricably linked in the past and present, each on a collision course with the others: Batwoman, fighting for duty and vengeance against a threat of arcane power. Detective Maggie Sawyer, investigating a case that could end her career. DEO Agent Cameron Chase, commanding a vigilante she despises. Colonel Jacob Kane, clutching at a life that’s slipping away. Maro, a new villain corrupting Gotham City. And Kate Kane, wrestling with decisions that will test her loyalties.

Variant cover by AMY REEDER

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


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DescendantDroog02/09/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. I picked up a few Madam Xandau trades, and didn’t really care for it…but I loved the art. I’m really excied for this.

    • I didn’t care for the MX story either, but Amy Reeder’s artwork is incredible, especially her detail scenes of London and Paris.

  2. What is with all of the water in this title? I am going to try this one more time with this new story arc however; the title of it has me a little leary already. A new artistic team, lets see how that works out?


    • I think the water is in relation to Kate’s fear: her twin sister drowned in front of her.

      As a symbol of fear that she uses, here, the very image and awe brought by Batman, I think that water is her Achilles’s heel or her kryptonite, if you prefer… I’m glad that the symbolism of this series so far has transcended through the writing and the art. It is an exploration of the myth, the symbol and the true nature of the woman behind the mask.

      Hands down, this series is perfect so far and right there besides Snyder’s Batman in my opinion.

  3. REally looking forward to this. Amy Reeder has posted alot of cool stuff on Facebook about it.

  4. Looking forward to this myself!!! Loving this title and thinking I’ll miss JHW3, but will really cement how well the writing is if it’s still captivating.

  5. I’m very excited. JH Williams III is one of my favorite artists, but I’ve been anxiously waiting Reeder’s art. I got her to do a Xanadu and Batwoman sketch for me! So excited.

  6. Well, this will test how much I really like the stories. I think Reeder will be okay, but no one can replace Williaims!

  7. It is going to be a huge shift of art from JH to Amy but I did like her art in the 0 issue.

    • Based on the interviews she has given, I’m not sure the shift will be quite as jarring as you expect. According to Reeder, they’ve been working together very closely. Amy’s art is as distinctive as JHW’s, so we’ll see.

  8. Amy Reeder is one of the most underrated artist in the business. And I’m glad she’s on one of the biggest titles in DC. She deserves it.

    Seriously people, if you haven’t read Madame Xanadu: Buy it. The first trade is only 10 bucks.

    • This comment makes me regret writing the comment immediately following this one. I hope this ends well.

    • I don’t know if she’s underrated. She has just been off the radar for a while because Batwoman kept getting pushed back. Other than some covers she hasn’t had much exposure to a wider audience. But yea, I agree she is really good!

      I’d also add that $10 Madame Xanadu trade includes the first 10 issues or something for that price. Great value.

  9. Since I read digitally this one is one you fellow community members. Last week I let go of Action Comics and I would hate to remove Batwoman tfromthe list but I will if the iFanboy community makes me again.

  10. You know you have a good Plan B in effect when you have this many people salivating to see the work of the other artist on Batwoman.

    Count me as one of them.

  11. hey dudes, check out my review of the Batwoman series here…

    and yes, I use the “F” word and the “S” word and possibly the “B”, “G”, and “Z” words as well.


  12. I never know if I should read this book or frame it. Beautiful stuff.

  13. There’s gonna be wrestling !?! That’s the sweetest of sciences….

  14. I’m almost more excited to see Reeder on art than I was to see Williams, if only because Reeder is new, exciting, and has a lot of promise, whereas I knew what I was getting with Williams from the beginning. From the looks of it so far, Batwoman will continue to have the elegance and grace it should have and that’s exciting.

  15. Not much else to say that others haven’t. Its one of my favorite books every month, and looking forward to what Amy Reeder brings.

  16. A REALLY GREAT BOOK. However; I personally miss the art of J.H. Williams. Nothing against Amy. J.H. was just my man.

  17. Dropped it. I just didn’t like the art. And the writing wasn’t the series strongest aspect.

  18. Ah now I see whats going on. I thought the Weeping Woman was a one off villain for the opening arc. a boring one, but now they’ve laced her origin into setting up the new mystery. I think we’re playing a long game here.

  19. Art is different, I think I may actually like the kate pages more than before, still a very nice looking book overall. Honestly I think if they did the art like the zero issue every month that would be my ideal. JH and Amy are alternating arcs and the story remains interesting to me, staying on my pull list for sure.

    • I agree. The zero issue was brilliant, and really enhanced the alter ego element of the Bat stories. I love Amy Reeder’s artwork, so am biased where others may not be–and have been looking forward to this book for a year now I think.

  20. I thought there were a couple shaky pages (there are a couple scenes were Batwoman’s mask doesnt seem to fit right on her face) – but there were also some really awesome pages. It took a small moment to adjust to not having JH Williams style on the page – but I got into it. Reeder really is a good artist.

    I don’t think I would totally understand the point of the jumping around if I hadn;t read an article previously that they would be jumping around in time with certain characters and eventually tying it all together. I can see that confusing people. But I am interesting to see how they move it all together.

  21. Great art (minus a few wonky panels), and i loved the narrative device, a really fun read.

  22. Yum. This book is just…yum.

  23. I was nervous about another artist coming in because J.H. Williams are is so perfect, but this is a good replacement

  24. Amy Reeder wasn’t really on my radar before yesterday – now she totally is. As much as I love JHW3, Reeder’s art is wonderful and inventive enough for me to hold out until whenever JH returns. If picking Reeder was Editor Mike Marts’ choice, then Marts needs to be commended as well, I think he just saved a great title from losing its momentum. 🙂

  25. P.S. I also find it interesting how colorist Guy Major now presents us with a Kate Kane who is flesh-colored when out of the Batwoman costume, and not of stark white tone.

    • I noticed this as well and found it to be a nice change of pace. Kate is still very pale out of costume but actually looks like a person here. She remains white-white as Batwoman and I enjoy that contrast.

  26. it definitely feels different without those JHW layouts, but Reeder does a great job.

  27. Well I went out last night and picked up this issue as well as #5 since I dropped this title as of issue #4. It appears this title aludes me no matter how much I keep trying and trying to stick with it. #5 just continued to be the same thing; great background story and supporting cast and the main plot of this title just not really in the fore ground like it should be. I then read #6 and I do like the artwork a little better as they are not trying to invent the wheel. The story seems new unlike the first arc of this title so I must admit I am still trying to hang in there and really want to like BW although I swear this time next issue will be the final test of this title for me, either I will stay or Cancel it for good!!


  28. @Flash, I agree that the central plotline of “the Weeping Woman” is tough to wrap one’s head around (and even stranger now, as of the last issue). It’s not my favorite element of this title, but I just kind of endure it as a catalyst to get Kate where she needs to be emotionally. As has been referenced on these boards, concepts such as mourning, water, and lost relatives are important to the Kate character.

  29. Definitely a change of pace, but Reeder’s certainly got the chops to draw a great Kate Kane. If they ever stray from the pale skin and short red hair, I’ll be one sad fanboy. It’s just such a strikingly unique visual. She stands out from every other woman in the DCU, as well she should.

    Now that we’ve arrived at week 6, I’m starting to make my cuts. But this title’s not going anywhere. It’s gonna take a serious drop in quality for me to drop this one. When Kate first showed up in 52, I didn’t see the point. But Rucka and Williams made a fan out of me. Keep it comin’!

  30. Yay! Amy Reeder is up at bat! Can’t WAIT to read this!!!

  31. Great issue, set up the new arc really well I thought. Any apprehension I had about Williams not being on art duties soon dissipated.

  32. I just noticed – when looking at the cover of my old BATWOMAN #0 issue – that Amy Reeder helped out with some of the art back then. So it turns out she is not new to this title & character, as previously thought!

  33. I was looking forward to Reeder’s art and overall I really enjoyed it. I must admit though, there were a couple panels throughout where I wasn’t quite sure what I was supposed to be looking at. The story came together more clearly last issue and still has my interest.

  34. My only complaint with this book is that so many see Amy as the B artist on this book. Sure, she is a lesser known name–but her Madame Xanadu work netted an Eisner nomination and she has been on this project since it was first conceived. To view her as a replacement or second string is almost ignorant.

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