Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 11.3%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
Slockhart | 12/10/09 | No | Read Review |
leonard | 12/10/09 | No | Read Review |
Jedimasterrob2001 | 12/09/09 | No | Read Review |
akamuu | 12/08/09 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.4
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Glad to see this is coming out on a Conor week. Maybe it’ll finally get the attention it deserves. I’d go out on a limb and say this is my favorite of all the BatBooks (except Confidential, Sirens and Streets, since I don’t read those)
This book puts a smile on my face every time it comes out.
The last issue was fantastic. Here’s hoping that it continues to be.
I’m with jstump.
Yup just like Batman and Detective I’m digging this more than Batman & Robin. A great fun read. Good jumping on point y’all
Sounds like people like it. I’m going to try it out this week.
Trying it out this week to see how she interacts with B&R. Who knows, I may stick with it after this.
This book really has surprised me. In the best possible way. It’s a lot of fun.
I really enjoyed this issue. I never expected ending like it did.
This was amazing… best issue of a great series. I don’t read the Dini books, but this had the best non-Morrison Damien I’ve ever seen. The Dick/Barbara argument was near perfect, right down to the subtle bolding of the word "dick," implying that maybe she wasn’t using his name. I should probably right a full review, but I’m too lazy at the moment.
I love this book, Bryan Q. Miller is the man.
Liking this book. I didn’t like Spoiler and I liked the idea of Steph as Robin but not reading her as Robin. But Steph as Batgirl is a perfect fit.
A fantastic 4-star issue, without a doubt. Also a great jumping on point for new readers that ends in a very interesting cliffhanger. Such a fun book.
I love this book. It’s good storytelling and I really enjoyed the Damien-Stephanie interaction. Honestly, I hope that they have those two bump into each other after this arc is over every so often just becuase they’re in similar situations (both apprentice heroes) but completely different personalities.
This issue had 4 or 5 really good pages.
The rest? Not so much
Each issue of this just keeps getting better. 5/5
"What chest?"
I’m always in Urban Camouflage Mode.