Comic Books


The Avengers series that brings the holy trinity of Avengers brotherhood together comes to a whopper of a conclusion as Captain America, Iron Man and Thor team up for the first time in years to bring down the Hela, goddess of death, who threatens the existence of the whole of the Nine Realms!

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Alan Davis
Covers by Alan Davis and Arthur Adams

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 4.3%


OliverTwist01/16/11YesRead Review
ComicBookGuy3701/15/11NoRead Review
ResurrectionFlan01/11/11NoRead Review
Rooney01/07/11NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. Fuckin’ A’! cant wait for this! naked stark FTW

  2. @conallgil:  Stark:Disrobed?

  3. @PozrDu that is to funny man

  4. @PozrDu  That is very funny!


  5. @AmirCat  I wouldn’t google that at work.

  6. Best comic series of 2010.  Either this or Ultimate Enemy/Mystery/Doom for creating an original and incredible FF story.

  7. I just don’t care about this series anymore. I know I’m in the minority but I just want to finish the story at this point.

  8. @Minion: The story should finish being issue #5 of a 5 issue mini.

  9. love this and I say again – would love to see an ongoing of these 3 characters with this creative. I would buy it.

  10. This is fun but not the best Avengers book I read. I think New and Academy are better books.

  11. Interesting that anyone could like a current avengers title more than this book–not disagreeing but I just personally don’t think there is an avengers book currently being published that comes close to this title in sheer awesomeness. 
    In fact, I think it’s kinda incredible that Brightest Day currently has more pulls than this, I would think this would be the best selling book on the stands due to its quality and the fact that “avengers” is in the title–and this is coming from a guy who honestly hasn’t liked the majority of Bendis’s Avengers work. 

  12. Well, it’s a short mini-series. While it will have more lasting impact as it will at least partially repair the relationship between these 3 pillars of Marvel, short minis have a long history of being rapidly forgotten. It is also a bi-monthly short mini. And the third Bendis Avengers available to boot. So no, it doesn’t surprise me it does pull as well as Brightest Day, a bi-weekly Geoff Johns mega-epic with far reaching DC implications. Is Prime a better story? I think so.

    I don’t think you are going to get Davis onto a monthly book, but I would love the adjective-free Avengers to become Prime: a book concentrating on the core three (meaning swap Bucky back out with Steve) with a rotating crew of Avenger extras as needed. Leave Spidey and Wolvie over in New Avengers, where their banter and relatively out-of-place-ness works and improves the book. Just my 2 cents.   

  13. I agree with JimBilly4 on making regular avengers focus on the core 3 with a rotating cast. I also agree that it doesn’t make sense for Wolverine and Spiderman to be in 2 Avengers teams. Just leave them on New Avengers.

  14. Glad that at least one Avengers mini is wrapping up. What a year to decide to get back into collecting all of the Avengers-related comics. Whew!

  15. Thought this was kind of weak.

    Have not liked Stark’s characterization throughout the whole mini but did enjoy the first two issues a lot.

    I don’t buy Tony’s change of heart and backpedalling in the final scene.

    Did like the final page though. 2/5

  16. So sad that this is over.  Great work by all involved, especially the colorist.

  17. Art was good. Story was as forgettable as it gets.

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