Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%


coltrane6805/09/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. Although I love the concept of the Invaders, I am extremely leery of the whole time traveling aspect… I will still check out a few issues though…

  2. I would suggest getting Avengers/Invaders Giant Sized from last week.  It rehashes a few stories from the past.  It’s pretty fun and informative.

  3. Does anyone know if this is in continuity?  And if so, where does it fit?

  4. I think it’s a bit early to be releasing this. Right in the middle of the Skrull Invasion is not the best time to supposedly bring back the "old heroes" especially when the teams featured in it, like the New and Mighty Avengers are fighting Skrulls off somewhere. It would have been better to space these events farther apart. Yes, I am looking forward to them alot, but it’s really gonna mess with my sense of time.

  5. @Superyan – Yes, it’s in-continuity.

    @TheSeanFromLaramie – Yes, ths timing is a bit weird.

    I’m a yes man today! 

  6. Even though its in continuity it isn’t really established when it takes place, so it may be after Invasion is over as this 12 issue run will out last Invasion by about 4 issues (if everything is on time.  Ha ha, right?)

  7. It does seem a bit strange…  epecially cause I’m suspecting that the Avengers teams are going to be shaken up a great deal after the invasion.  This is going to be a continuity mess if they try to place it after SI.

  8. It does seem a bit strange…  epecially cause I’m suspecting that the Avengers teams are going to be shaken up a great deal after the invasion.  This is going to be a continuity mess if they try to place it after SI.

  9. I think this is bound to be good. Im very intrested to see how the world will deal with the Invaders Captain America. This should be good.

    one question: uhh…arent there like 4 caps? 1) from SI 2)bucky 3) invaders cap 4) red skull cap

    so idk but i did like the Giant Size Avengers/Invaders

  10. I’m torn on this. On the one hand, I love WWII era Marvel characters, and it will be fun to see them. On the other hand, it’s hard to forget the whole Secret Invasion thing, even if the continuity can be worked out subsequently.

    Still I’ll read it. I read Astonishing X-Men, which never seems to have anything to do with ongoing X-Men stories, but is supposed to be in continuity.

     One question – is the Giant Size Avengers/Invaders from last week essential to this book, or is it just reprints of old stories?

  11. One last point – how is it that everyone whose power is super-speed discovers that power after a purse-snatching? How many purses are snatched these days? Just me, but this gimmick is getting trite.

  12. I’ve been excited about this since I heard it was coming. But WHY oh WHY is it coming out during Secret Invasion… ugh. What a mess continuity-wise and my wallet is crying with these extra titles to buy.

  13. I am blown away by the art in this book… it looks amazing especially the page where they go into the mist… wow!

  14. this book was my surprise pick of the week, the writing was spot on for Spidy and the art was fantastic. 

  15. Is marvel screwing with ‘in continuity’ books like this just to make people nutty?

  16. I was left with mixed feelings after reading issue 1.

    I was glad to see the original Invaders again having read the original run in the late 70’s. The Sadowski pencils were very nice. The plot looks like it is heading somewhere interesting and hopefully the time-travel event will be explained properly. I will definitely continue reading the series in issue format.

    On the negative side… not really spoilers…

    When you read this issue, check out the schizophrenic depiction of the falling snow. Just because a computer allows you to make something blurry and completely white doesn’t mean you should and, if you do decide to CG some of the snow, you may want to get rid of the stark, black-outlined, chunky snow that is in the same panel. The result was unaesthetic, visually confusing, and detracted from the otherwise solid artwork. I’d recommend sticking with the blurry white and ditching the outlined chunks completely… unless they were intended to reflect non-thought balloons?

    The re-tread Spidey dialogue reads as if it has been lifted from a "Spidey Super Stories" back-issue. The childish ranting and lack of inner-monologue wrecked the pacing of the fight panels and made me groan. I hope the writing will tighten up and get cleaner. The only thing that matched Spidey’s inane rambling dialogue, in a contest to cause me pain, was seeing Bucky prop himself up by planting the barrel of his machine gun into the snow-covered ground business-end first.


  17. @cimmerian001- At least the spidey dialogue in this one was better then the Amazing Spidey this month. That was some super bad dialogue. By far the worst of the spideys that I read this month. If you think there are a lot of Caps how many Spideys and Wolverines are there. These guys get around.

  18. @astyak-The proliferation of Spideys and Wolvies is staggering I agree; it also accounts for the dilution of character traits and the current industry standard see-saw between "cookie cutter" dialogue and completely off-base representation of long established characters. 

    Semi-old-timers like me remember the days when one or two writers handled the same characters and there was some consistent development and portrayal. Crossovers were generally a couple of issues and the continuity could be maintained by a reference box in the bottom of the panel. One might argue that the Big Two put out fewer books each month in those days, but it also reflects why nearly every 60’s and 70’s back-issue you look over in the comic shop was written/drawn by a "master" of comics. Their skill combined with an ability to focus on a small set of characters that they had semi-control over is what allowed Kirby, Starlin, Byrne, Cockrum, Kane, Adams, Grell, Pollard, Golden, Perez, Romita, Buscema, and others to make the impact they have. I’d rather have Marvel or DC each produce 10-15 solid books that came out on time than 20-40 in-consistent and late books. I’d also like to see world peace, lower gas prices, and a strong dollar but I’m not holding my breath for any of it.

    This "character spread" we are seeing throughout the industry highlights the negative affects the direct-sales emphasis continues to have on comic creativity. Without a reason for dealers or producers to take a risk on a new character, we see endless re-use of existing characters to the point that the Marvel and DC universes have shrunk into small families of titles with little or no maintenance of the continuity stream. Wolverine, Spider-Man, or Iron Man for example, will be handled by at least 15 different writers and another 15 artists per character this year. So we trade our icons for effigies and the sales numbers continue to hold at 10% to 15% of what they were in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s as younger readers are first priced out of the market then under-whelmed by the product. Yikes, that probably should have been posted to a board under "antique-reader rant" or something.

    The part about the Caps must have been directed to the general thread audience… you’ll never catch me saying there are too many Caps! I actually dropped Marvel altogether when Cap was killed. The 20 books a month I left on the shelves last year, unfortunately, hurt my dealer more than they did send a message to Marvel.


  19. Stupid Drunk COmment:


        The only reason I bought this was because of COnner’s near death mini but I’m glad I did.  I know it’s probably just a throwaway mini but it’s as current as it can be without skrulls which is kind of cool.  I’ll deffinatly pick up the next couple.

  20. i am just going to sit back and try to enjoy and not get all caught up in the "continuity issues," (if that is possible.) 

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