The Young Avengers return in an epic, bi-monthly Marvel maxi-series by series creators Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung. When Wiccan’s reality-altering powers begin to rival those of the Scarlet Witch, the young hero sets out on a quest to find her that spans the Marvel Universe and pits Wiccan against both the Avengers and the Young Avengers. But will Wiccan’s desire to solve the mystery of his parentage be his salvation or his undoing? This self-contained Marvel maxi-series reintroduces and redefines the Young Avengers and the Scarlet Witch for the Heroic Age and is essential reading for any Avengers fan.


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 4.9%


DaveWielgosz07/08/10NoRead Review
zattaric07/08/10YesRead Review
Jedimasterrob200107/08/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. If they are scheduling at bi-monthly, what do you think the actual rate of distribution will be??  Quarterly?

  2. If we’re lucky.


    Don’t care, though. It can be as late as it wants. I just want. This. Story.

  3. Great there goes two years of my life…see you guys in winter 11′

  4. I’m really excited about this book.  I know that they have several of these issues already done, so I hope that the book isn’t too late later on.

  5. @zattaric-They said that about Final Crisis too, and that turned out great.  Oh, wait….

  6. Really really looking forward to this.

  7. I was sold on this after hearing Heinberg talk about it on Word Balloon–sounds really interesting. 🙂

  8. How much of the first series is drawn by Cheung?

  9. @ottobott if I remember correctly, everything except the annual.

  10. He also skipped two issues in the middle, the Patriot/MGH storyline. I wanna say Andrea Devito filled in? I may well be butchering that name.

  11. Good to know. The reason I ask was because of all the listed credits (http://tinyurl.com/2e3z44f

     Cheung’s work in those preview pages is so good, plus all the praise I hear for Heinberg’s original series is enough to have me go back and pick up the first trade at least. 

  12. Cheung drawing an Avengers story that features the Scarlet Witch.  that’s all I really need to know.

  13. Trade waiting!!!!!!!!

    So yeah, I’ll enjoy reading this book in about two years. 

  14. I’m so excited for this book that I think I might explode!!  Not really, but I’m really excited.

  15. This is a long mini.  It’s also interesting that they’ve changed it to just Avengers.  Wasn’t it Young Avengers in the beginning?

  16. @misterckent: As far as I know this has always been branded as an Avengers book.

  17. I am really excited for this, YA was one of the first things I ever read as a new comic reader and it had me hooked from page 1. My only thing is do I actually get this in issues or wait and get the trade whenever they finish it. 

  18. Waiting for the hardcover, but I want to sample the first issue.

  19. I can’t say enough bad things about the writing in this book. I can feel the disappointment in the air.

  20. First time I ever read Young Avengers, and I have to say I pleasantly enjoyed it. Most of the characters we see here, especially Wiccan and Hulking, are really engaging and interesting, and I’m curious to see where this will all end. 

  21. @jimski what didn’t you like about it?

  22. Uhm I thought this was merely okay. Carol was so out of character here. Her and Wanda were like best fucking friends. I don’t know, maybe in the second issue something actually happens. I also don’t really like the Young Avengers too much.

  23. @70namrepuS, just about every line of dialogue on the first ten pages. Atrocious. 1981 is calling Lost And Founds looking for its tone.

  24. I rather enjoyed this issue. It wasn’t great. And I was hovering between a 4 and a 5 on this. I’ve missed Heinberg’s voice for each of the Young Avengers (Even if Elijah seems oddly tight-lipped), especially after all the sub-par tie-ins with the characters. Cheung was aces on this, too. I have to say, I wasn’t bothered by it, but I loved that this was so obviously completed so far ahead of time that Cap and Iron Man are in the wrong costumes. And Magneto seems to have a malevolent tick to him. Still, let’s see where this goes. I’m excited.

  25. I loved this issue! Graet stuff! Heinberg is awesome, love his take on these characters. Cheung looks great too. Lovely stuff! 5/5 and my POTW.

    @Prax Not all of those tie-ins were subpar. Some of them are decent. Maybe the first YA/Runaways one?

    @Jimski Yeah, well, the Jerk store called and they’re all out of you! (All in good fun, mate!) 

  26. I completely agree with Jimski.

  27. *Excllent* issue. If  Billy and Teddy had gotten to kiss, this would’ve been my POW.


  28. Nevermind, it was my POW. 🙂

  29. Great first issue.  Loved it.  Really hope this comes out faster then 6 issues per year..

  30. This was real close to my POTW, I was just hoping for a little more plot substance in the first issue…but that last page reveal was sweet!

  31. Wiccan is an awesome character. I want more second and third string characters to shine.

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