Comic Books


Because YOU demanded it: Exploding out of FEAR ITSELF with an all-new series is the ORIGINAL Alpha Flight by the superstar creative team of writers Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente and artist Dale Eaglesham — with covers by the incomparable Phil Jimenez!

Get in on the ground floor of this highly anticipated maxi-series with this standalone adventure by artist X: Who are Guardian, Vindicator, Sasquatch, Snowbird, Shaman, Northstar, Aurora, and Marrina? How did they become their nation’s most beloved heroes? And are they strong enough to withstand their greatest challenge yet?


Story by Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente
Art by Ben Oliver
Cover by Phil Jimenez

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.4%


kingdomofevan05/18/11YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. I miss these crazy canucks. But will it be actually good, rather than jus tgoo din my memory like the original series? I think they have tried to reboot this team unsuccessfully at least twice before.

  2. They’re actually Canadian this time!  Please be more Byrne-y than Bendis-y.

  3. Call me when someone rescues Puck from hell.

  4. You gotta figure that’s their 2nd or 3rd mission.  AF without Puck is like without a….ah nevermind.

  5. HOCKEY.  Hockey without a…

  6. Canada fuck yeah!!

  7. @Urthona:  I think your delivery of that made the joke infinitely funnier to me.

  8. Does anybody notices that is says “Maxi-Series” So this new Alpha Flight isn’t a ongoing?

  9. Too bad Puck isn’t joining this team, since he’s too busy ruling Hell. 🙂

  10. @bigben2012: All new ongoings are maxi-series.

  11. I so want to!

    I’m staying true to my $4 Marvel boycott.

  12. @JNewcomb  THen you’re okay, this is $3…

  13. 0.1?!?! Come on Marvel we know issue 0 or and lets not be too crazy here issue 1 is a good place to start reading.

  14. @markish  Ha! I totally did not see that. Well, maybe I’ll try it then.

  15. @bigben2012  Alpha Flight is an 8 issue series

    Or so says Eaglesham anyway. Apparently if this does well enough they’ll pump it to an on-going

  16. I’m surprised nobody has mentioned that this issue ISN’t drawn by Eaglesham.  How can you have a preview issue without the proper artist?

  17. Hurray a Candian superhero group that doesnt sound dumb at all, also the sales of the last volume of this book wont prove that it’ a dumb idea.

  18. @themangement: Marvel released a teaser image of Alpha Flight and one of them had Puck in it. So maybe there is hope!

  19. Puck is one thing…. Alpha Fight without John Byrne is another. I’ve only enjoyed AF with Byrne. I’ll pick this up to see how it goes but I’m not expecting it to be good. Marvel – as it does from time to time – might surprise though. 

  20. If this was $3.99, I’d hesitate to picking it up, but at $2.99 it’s an insta-buy. I’m way too excited to read the book then I should be. There’s something about a book with Sasquatch that says buy me.

  21. SNOWBIRD!!!!

  22. Didn’t love it. Not sure why this was a .1 issue. This felt like an issue in the middle of an arc, because I felt completely lost. None of the characters were overly compelling aside from Snowbird because she turns into different animals, and Saquatch because he’s Sasquatch. I’ll give it a few more issues.

  23. I enjoyed this and I think I like where it is going.  If this had had Eaglesham art it would have been perfect.  Anyone know who will be coloring him?

  24. Really loved this team as a kid. Great primer for the new series 🙂

  25. I just knew Alpha Flight from that mini-series X-Men and Alpha Flight that Chris Claremont and Paul Smith did in ’85.  That series was great…this not so much.

  26. This willl be one and done for me.

  27. I really didn’t like this issue.  I gave it a 3 but would change that to 2 stars now.  It has a great concept but jumped around way too much.  I understand why it should all the characters but as a 0.1 issue, it did little to explain the status quo.  My wish would have been to focus on one character and bring us up to speed through their eyes.  
    I will try issue 1 but it really has to be good to keep me on.

  28. One of the best .1 issues yet published. A) Sets up the cast and gives a passing view on personalities and relationships with other cast. B) Introduces threat and wraps it up within the confines of the issue while also dropping hints on the upcoming storyline. C) Has the regular writing team. D) Has fantastic art without burdening the regular artist with an extra issue to draw keeping him on track for the series.

    Really couldn’t ask for anything more. With only a few tweaks to certain characters this IS the Byrne version of Alpha Flight while keeping them in modern and relevent. It’s about damn time Marvel.

  29. I’m not going to read this either. I didn’t enjoy the story very much and the art was just fine – it just needed something more interesting going on. SAD. Alpha Flight can be great with the right writers and artists.

  30. Darn if I don’t really like those characters. The story was all right. It was little more than an intro to each of the characters. Art was solid, but not the regular artist. I am mildly excited about the upcoming maxi. I would love it to be so good it forces an ongoing, but I am fairly certain that won’t happen in this universe. Please prove me wrong, Mr. Universe.

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