• A tie-in to “NIGHT OF THE OWLS!”

• Concluding JONAH HEX’S battle with THE AUGUST 7!

• Discover what the Court of Owls was up to in GOTHAM CITY circa 1880!

• NIGHTHAWK and CINNAMON hunt down killers and fall in love in this issue’s backup story.

Written by Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti
Pencilled by Moritat & Patrick Scherberger
Inked by Moritat & Dan Green
Lettered by Rob Leigh
Colored by Michael Atiyeh
Cover by Jose Ladronn

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


TheNextChampion05/25/12NoRead Review
b_RAD05/24/12YesRead Review
JudgementalRonin05/24/12NoRead Review
dix05/23/12YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. Looks like they changed the cover a bit. Anyway here’s to another solid issue of Hex kickin ass!

  2. God one of the best of the new 52!! Jonah Hex has had me at the edge of my seat when I read a issue! I hope not the only GEEK out there that feels this way.

  3. I’m going to be surprised on how this tie-in is going to work. Also, why the hell does this book need to be involved with Court of Owls? This isn’t even in Gotham now!

    Still, the last issue was my Pick so I have high hopes for this.

    • I like how Palmiotti immediately shot you down when you whined him this on twitter.

      The court of owl has been a major part of this since issue one and they were building toward this. Jimmy just couldn’t be arsed explaining that to you

  4. How are more people not pulling this?!?! I heard a lot of great things about it and was going to get the trades (as my file has enough in it already) but my comic book store had the entire run in singles (might do this with Animal Man now that I have read the AMAZING 1st trade) so I picked them up and I simply could not stop reading! Right up there with my fave dc books Bats and GL. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

    • I’m a big Hex fan…from Weird Western Tales up to and through Gray and Palmiotti’s run…and NOW! This book was SUPER frickin’ good while it was set in Gotham.

      ….So this being in New Orleans I’m a little head scratchy myself as to how this ties in at all….Just imagine how cool the tie in would be if Hex was still in Gotham.

      Fingers crossed that they do this right.

    • Get the Animal Man singles TOMORROW–you will not be disappointed. My vote for best new book of 2011 (tie with Swamp Thing).

  5. This was disappointing. 3/5

  6. Maybe it’s the fact that I have not read any of this series before this issue, but damn that sucked. I could nt wait for it to be over. Worst series tie-in I ve read in awhile. The art is good, but this had little or nothing to do with the Night Of Owls. Feel ripped off. Good thing Batman Inc. was awesome. I would have paid $7 for that and left this at the store.

    • I was planning on getting all the Night of Owls books but this sounds like a waste. Disappointing, but thanks for letting us know!

  7. I’ve been meaning to check this title out, so I figured I’d take a peek with the Night of Owls crossover. Probably not the best idea — I haven’t read it yet, but by the comments it looks like this wasn’t one of the stronger issues.

    • I haven’t read the latest issue yet, but I’ve really enjoyed this series since issue 1. I’d say if you don’t like the crossover issue it might be a good idea to give it one more issue when it gets back to it’s regular storyline.

  8. im done its just ok and i need to cut the just ok books

  9. also the put 3 diffrent story lines in one book, just to tie in too night of owls and there was no history about the courts begining which I thought would of been a perfect place for it

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