Comic Books


ADVENTURE COMICS ships twice this month as this spring’s Superman event “Brainiac and The Legion of Super-Heroes” starts with a prologue in #8 and reaches a boiling point in #9!

Starting way back in “The Lightning Saga,” various clues have been planted about a group of Legionnaires undercover in the 21st century. Who are they and why are they here? And what does their mission have to do with the fate of New Krypton? James Robinson (SUPERMAN) and Juli

Co-feature written by ERIC TRAUTMANN
Art by JULI

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 8.3%


XsandOhs03/03/10NoRead Review
FraggleUprising03/03/10YesRead Review
glwarm7603/03/10NoRead Review
akamuu03/02/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. I was planning on dropping this title..but.. contrary to the opinion of my wallet, I am going to pick up this issue and others like it.  I like James Robinson’s DC work in the past year and I’ve loved Sterling Gates on Supergirl.  Gotta give it a try.. no matter how I feel about the

  2. I’m so excited the Legion is back!

  3. Ooh, I’d dropped this after Johns left, but I love me some Legion so I’m gonna have to get this again. It helps that I’m only getting one other book this week. 

  4. Anytime I see a comic with a Manapul cover but no interior, it feels like I am being taunted with. Robinson and Gates should do a good issue. Will this be related to War of Supermen?

  5. @amircat According to last weeks Superman, it will be a continuation of that storyline.

  6. Somehow I got the impression Bedard was going to be on this book for the forseeable future. (which was/would have been a huge plus in my book)


    I guess not… 

  7. The Legion is the only thing that may convince me tomorrow to pick this up. Without the Legion, I would have easily dropped this. 

  8. @glwarm76 I concur.  I’m conflicted on whether or not I want the Legion to stay in this book or move into their own book.  I’d really love to see a Legion book on the stands, but I don’t want to face the cancellation of yet another Legion book.  

  9. Actually, DC already announced that Levitz is writing the Legion in Adventure and another series called Legion of Super-heroes that will launch with a new #1. This is the link to the story:

  10. This wasn’t bad but I really dislike being sold advertising. The Legion story was enjoyable but the art wasn’t to my liking and it was a little text heavy. The Mon-El/Kon-El story was fun but overly long. I didn’t really groove to the Ursa story, either. 3/5 for me. Fantastic cover!

  11. You know, even though I have no idea who the Legion are (is?), this was pretty fucking good.

  12. Did anyone notice LEXOR was one of the planets Brainiac destroyed?? In the Silver Age, Lexor was the planet Lex Luthor was the champion of (and Superman was seen as a villain).

    I wonder whether there was any significance of mentioning those planets.

  13. I feel like I just spent $3.99 on a commercial for Last Stand on New Krypton.  Thanks, DC – I’ll be skipping that one.

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