Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Neb04/02/08NoRead Review


  1. Had planned to wait for trade with this series but picked up the first 2 issues on a whim last month and was hooked!  Beautiful art and an intiguing story have me looking forward to this issue.

  2. Same here.  I’m looking forward to where this one is going.

  3. This is some of the best art of any book going right now.  Alexander draws the shit outta Mignola’s characters.  I stopped reading most of the Mignola stuff last year, but this really got my attention and I am so fucking impressed by it I might start picking more of his stuff again.

  4. I’ve been happy with all the Mignola stuff coming out – most, if not all, of which is not drawn by him. BPRD 1946 has had really beautiful, shadowy art.  I think Mignola often lays out the books he writes, so even if he doesn’t do the art per se, his excellent eye for laying out comic pages is still in effect.

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