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Think the next Fantastic Four movie will suck? Maybe not..

I tend to not try to get excited or pass judgment on movie’s early in production, but if this pic…

Preach On: HBO Developing ‘Preacher’ Series

It looks like fanboys might finally get their wish. Preacher is going to be developed as a series on the…

DC Launches MINX – Comic Imprint for Teenaged Girls

Today, DC Comics announced a new comics imprint targeted at teenaged girls called MINX. The imprint will feature talent such…

Remember Letter Columns?

For those of you who collected comics before the internet, do you remember the letter columns at the back of…

Someone get this kid a red suit and a collapsable billy club

Matt Wiggins alerted us to a teenage boy in Sacramento, CA who may, in fact, be Daredevil. Do yourself a…

Well, that didn’t take long: Hawkeye to Return in ‘New Avengers’

As was announced way back in August, Hawkeye’s a-coming back in December. I guess you can’t keep a good character…

RIP X-Men Creator Dave Cockrum (1943-2006)

In sad news, Dave Cockrum passed away this past weekend. For those of you who don’t know who he is,…

“They’ve got pictures? Censored!” States Around the US Are Banning Comics

While comics are making ground gaining acceptance, their growing presence in America’s libraries have brought about censorship concerns. It seems…

Mark Waid and George Perez on ‘Brave and the Bold’: “OooOOOooo” – Conor

Many, many years ago (was it 2002?) it was announced at the San Diego Comic-Con that Kevin Smith was going…

Damn, I guess I’ll have to start buying ‘The Flash’ again…

Newsarama has the announcment that Mark Guggenheim will be taking the writing reins of The Flash with issue #9. Mark…