Article Archive

Weekly Sketch Up – 11.11.2011

Eleven sketches on eleven eleven eleven!

The Best of the Week in Covers – 11.09.2011

Covers that would make even a dolphin cry. Out of love.

The Best of the Week in Panels – 11.09.2011

The best panels this week come from The All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold #13, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4, Batwoman #3, Wolverine #18, Demon Knights #3, Batman and Robin #3 & Avenging Spider-Man #1.

Tintin: Where Do I Start?

A boy and his dog? Not quite.

Great Moments in Comics History: Action Comics #192

Anything you can do I can do better.

SPOTLIGHT: Speed Racer #1


October 2011 Sales – DC Comics Dominates

We knew this relaunch thing was big, but we didn’t know it was THIS big. Stunning numbers for October

Remake & Reboot: The CYBERFORCE Comic Series

Image’s high tech heroes are in for an upgrade.

DC Histories: The Suicide Squad

Looking forward to Suicide Squad #3 today? Learn a bit about what came before.

iFanboy Upstarts: Kris Anka

Making his full-issue debut with last week’s GUARDING THE GLOBE #6, Kris Anka is poised to be a break-out star.