Article Archive

So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish!

After a year and a half as a weekly columnist at iFanboy, Sonia is excited to move outside of her comfort zone and start writing with some new people at Comics Should Be Good.

The Best Presents Your Dad Will Ever Get

Finally, exactly the kind of manly, nostalgic, quirky stories that dad’s get excited about. The James Bond Omnibus, the Best of Battle, and Dan Dare.

Spaced, the couch, and why I don’t know what’s happening in comic books.

Instead of reading about comic books, Sonia’s watching endless episodes of Spaced and reading about sad celebs.

Gratitude: Comic Books I’m Thankful to Have in My Life

Whether it’s a long time thing with John Constantine, or learning about office relations from Justice League International, there’s a lot to be grateful for here.

Ten Implausible Things About Already Implausible Concepts

From invisible jets to stretchey eyeballs, this is the list that questions only the most ridiculous aspects of the superhero universe.

Sonia’s Linkage: Winter ’09 Edition

In these cold winter months, why go outside? Why not browse the internet for fun comic book related links instead?

Sea Monkey Dreams: 30 Years of Advertising in Comics

From Hostess to Honda, over the years the advertising in comics has changed dramatically.

Avoiding Closure: My unread copy of Planetary #27

Despite years of waiting, Sonia can’t bring herself to read the final issue of Planetary. Why would a die-hard fan avoid this much-anticipated work of art?

Book Adoration

Absolute hardcovers look lovely, but they’re nigh on impossible to curl up and read. What’s the advantage, and what does it take to make a perfect hardcover graphic novel?

Wanted: Comic Book Stylists

Some of the greatest comic book artists just can’t design clothing, and probably shouldn’t be expected to. Perhaps it’s time to bring in stylists to work as consultants?