Article Archive

Stories DC Needs to Animate

No brainer cartoons!

VIDEO: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer

Agent Coulson stops off for some Roxxon premium petrol, adventure ensues.

Obscure Animals and Superpowers Part 2: The Villains

Don’t mess if you don’t know. (But reading this post will help you know, thus enabling you to mess.)

Science of the New DCU

Science you didn’t even know was there!

Obscure Animal Superheroes I Want To See

Including origins, team dynamic and FUN ANIMAL FACTS!

Casey Jones Hits Your Screen With A 35-minute Fan Film

Casey Jones is kind of the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia of vigilantes. Am I right?

New ‘Walking Dead’ Season 2 Promo

Shambling to your screens one clip at a time.

The Comics Market: A Beer Analogy

A sober column about two things America does really well after nearly banning altogether.

China to Build Word Balloon Shaped Comic Museum

Crazy interconnected word balloons? Sounds like Bendis.

What I’ve Learned from Comics: The College Years

Because it’s important to show your work.