Article Archive

Comic Shots #16 with Ryan Haupt: Pranqster and ‘Loki’

The joy and sorrow of being given exactly what you always wanted.

Let’s All Go To The Library

Get your torches and pitchforks! (Just kidding, we’re only going to read.)

On the Carrying Capacity of Comics

Musings concerning the troublesome matter of travelling with comics

Catching Up on Last Year’s Top 10

Failure, thy name is comics.

Return of the General Interest

The results of being buzzable.

Separating the Creator from the Created

Or not. It’s kind of up to you.

Comic Fatigue vs. Actual Fatigue

Reading this may make your problems feel insignificant. Deal with it.

Comic Fans and the Conundrum of General Interest

An adventure of discovery. Discovery that nobody likes the stuff that you like.

VIDEO: Playable Sidekicks in ‘Batman: Arkham City’

Stop playing Arkham City for a few minutes and check these out.

Comic Fans And Short Attention Spans

An article you probably won’t finish.